Sunday, January 9, 2022

Christmas 2021

A few pictures of Christmas day, mostly taken by my great daughter in law. 

Family ornaments, from the antique German ball ornaments from the husband's Grandmother to one from the grand kids. Family, that's what it is all about!

Front hallway.

We have the television connected to video and are watching the grandkids in Florida open their presents. They then watch us. 

Pictures at lunch were taken in 2 shots, dang we need to get an extend a stick for our camera, so we can all be in the selfie!

The blacksmith checks out our new speakers to extend our surround sounds. 

This picture is my favorite. I had a pillow made with Lizzie's cat on the front and back, from pictures her mom supplied me with. Walmart photo made the pillow!!

She was so excited!!

Josie and Alex opening presents. 

Here's the second shot!

This was my favorite gift to Lizzie. 

Hubby put his Christmas presents under the tree. Two antique double barrel shotguns. Thank goodness I didn't have to wrap them!

Playing with my phone camera!

The tree rotates, but I didn't capture that.

The kids gave us a digital picture frame. They downloaded an app and can send us pictures. It connects to the internet.  


Aunt Sarah and Uncle Rusty sent Lizzie this gigantic cozy hoodie. Santa brought the Florida boys one too!  Imagine that.

Alex is proud of his t shirt for college next year!

Our traditional Missouri grandkid picture with bonus of Josie, Alex's girlfriend!

Connor, our Florida  boy likes warm and hoodie pajamas. Guess we did pretty good picking these out!


This cracks me up!  As if Grandpa went shopping, or even knew what gifts I bought!

Sarah takes another traditional Christmas photo!

My favorite little tree with many antique ornaments and of course tinsel!!!

Hope everyone had a great Christmas. Ours may just continue next week, when the Florida family will be in Mid-Missouri!


  1. Sounds like you had a really nice Christmas! Our family did too!

  2. Looks like a fun, family, Christmas. Much the same as ours. Love the old shotguns. Does he restore, or just collect them?

  3. Looks like a fabulous Christmas! Happy New Year :)
