Friday, May 24, 2024

The woods are bare from Hail

April 1, 2024 at approximately 6:05 PM one of the worst hailstorms we ever saw hit here.

In this particular area it hailed for a good 10 minutes straight. Homes had windows broke out (some through 2 panes of glass), roofs were damages, siding was torn to shreds, gutters dented, and cars totaled.

The blacktop had hail so thick it could have been plowed. 

We went to our farm about 7:30 PM.  The road not only still had hail, but it was also green with leaves and branches torn to pieces. You could smell the cedar and pine.

This full-grown pine tree sits on hubby's home place. Look how the needles are stripped on the back side, the direction the hail came from. 

This morning, we took the Can-am over for a ride through the woods. 

None of the trees are full and I'm pretty sure they won't fill out this year. 

Even the underbrush isn't full.

The deer blind, besides being damaged doesn't have much coverage of branches. 

See the Cedars?  Well, what's left of them.

More bare Cedar trees, so sad. 


It was a sad trip through the woods. You can see through the woods like it were almost wintertime. 

We went to take down a turkey blind . . . . mission accomplished.

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