Tonight, we finished off our evening with Root Beer Floats!
It been 7 nights of the blacksmith and I making dinner for these three grands. Their Mom and Dad were on a trip to Hawaii.
Every night we cooked supper for them. It was Hamburgers, Taco's, Roast beef and all the trimmings, Fajita's, Deer Candy and fried potatoes, Fried Squirrel (thank you Lizzie and Alex for shooting them) with roasted broccoli, and mashed taters with gravy. We ended with Chicken spaetzle, Alex's favorite. One night we had BBQ ready, and the skies opened up, so we did call in Pizza Haus.
Desserts were Outshine Popsicles (You must try them if you haven't), Orange Sherbert ice cream, Meyer's Lemon Bars (Lizzie made them), Cheesecakes, 4 varieties, (Store bought), and Chocolate chip cookies.
Their Mom and Dad had a wonderful, relaxing time and look so good in this picture!
Tonight was a little sad. We won't be around when Brady leaves for his new job in Illinois on Saturday, so we gave him an apartment housewarming gift. It will be his first place by himself.
It's a toolbox with a hammer, multi screw drivers, socket sets, a box knife, pliers, needle nose pliers, wrenches, and a tape measure. After all he will order a new desk when he gets settled and it will have to be assembled. I even signed and dated the toolbox! Grandmas are like that!
It's a week I think we will all look back on with some great memories!
That is a super cool story! Well, except for the fried squirrel! :) Didn't eat that when I lived in Arkansas and Grandma cooked it! What special memories you made!