Corona-virus . . . .it's everywhere. Television is full, Facebook is full, talk is non-stop, store shelves are bare.
Did I go buy a truck load of toilet paper, clorox wipes? NO!! Why?
We are always prepared. Always have been.
I did make some Elderberry syrup. Something we will take a spoonful on a daily basis.
My hutch is and has always been stocked with dried beans, noodles, soup mixes, cornmeal, hot chocolate mix, dried cranberries, dates, and raisins.

The pantry has bags of sugar, cake mixes, cereals, peanut butters, canned fruits, ketchup, flour, and coffees (I buy it in bulk from Community coffee with 30% sales).

The pantry with my canned goods, has canned beans, tomatoes, kraut, jellies, peaches, apple sauces, green beans and condiments.
Of course it wasn't a good garden season last year, so the supply isn't what I'd like for it to be. But you know we have seeds and spring is almost here. The tomatoes plants have been started from seeds and are sprouting.
We have plenty of spices, all purchased in bulk from the Mennonite store. Thank you Weavers market, I believe they do on line sales too.
Our small freezer is packed full. There's beef, deer, pork, fish, and when that runs out, the blacksmith can go fishing in the lake behind the house, or the river in walking distance. There's always squirrel hunting too.
So we continue life as usual.
Last week we attended the funeral of a dear cousin Bob. Rita held his celebration of life at the Missouri Botanical Gardens in the Sphinx building. Rita has always said, it's all about the presentation. She hit the nail on the head. It was beautiful.
I painted a small barn quilt. I've decided painting isn't my thing. I'd rather be sewing quilt blocks. Hopefully this will be my last.
I'll close with this. If you know me you know I very much dislike frogs. However when the blacksmith found this in the Amazon return store, I couldn't resist buying it.