Wednesday, May 29, 2024

What a week of quality time with the grandkids!

Tonight, we finished off our evening with Root Beer Floats!

It been 7 nights of the blacksmith and I making dinner for these three grands. Their Mom and Dad were on a trip to Hawaii.

Every night we cooked supper for them. It was Hamburgers, Taco's, Roast beef and all the trimmings, Fajita's, Deer Candy and fried potatoes, Fried Squirrel (thank you Lizzie and Alex for shooting them) with roasted broccoli, and mashed taters with gravy. We ended with Chicken spaetzle, Alex's favorite.  One night we had BBQ ready, and the skies opened up, so we did call in Pizza Haus.

Desserts were Outshine Popsicles (You must try them if you haven't), Orange Sherbert ice cream, Meyer's Lemon Bars (Lizzie made them), Cheesecakes, 4 varieties, (Store bought), and Chocolate chip cookies.

Their Mom and Dad had a wonderful, relaxing time and look so good in this picture!

Tonight was a little sad. We won't be around when Brady leaves for his new job in Illinois on Saturday, so we gave him an apartment housewarming gift. It will be his first place by himself.  

It's a toolbox with a hammer, multi screw drivers, socket sets, a box knife, pliers, needle nose pliers, wrenches, and a tape measure. After all he will order a new desk when he gets settled and it will have to be assembled. I even signed and dated the toolbox! Grandmas are like that!

It's a week I think we will all look back on with some great memories!


Friday, May 24, 2024

The woods are bare from Hail

April 1, 2024 at approximately 6:05 PM one of the worst hailstorms we ever saw hit here.

In this particular area it hailed for a good 10 minutes straight. Homes had windows broke out (some through 2 panes of glass), roofs were damages, siding was torn to shreds, gutters dented, and cars totaled.

The blacktop had hail so thick it could have been plowed. 

We went to our farm about 7:30 PM.  The road not only still had hail, but it was also green with leaves and branches torn to pieces. You could smell the cedar and pine.

This full-grown pine tree sits on hubby's home place. Look how the needles are stripped on the back side, the direction the hail came from. 

This morning, we took the Can-am over for a ride through the woods. 

None of the trees are full and I'm pretty sure they won't fill out this year. 

Even the underbrush isn't full.

The deer blind, besides being damaged doesn't have much coverage of branches. 

See the Cedars?  Well, what's left of them.

More bare Cedar trees, so sad. 


It was a sad trip through the woods. You can see through the woods like it were almost wintertime. 

We went to take down a turkey blind . . . . mission accomplished.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

A trip to Yellow Moon antique shop

We always enjoy a trip to Yellow Moon Antique Mall in Jefferson City, MO.
Today the blacksmith had his eye on some antique blackpowder reloading supplies. He scored 3 items. 

I was just enjoying the eye candy. 

First in the door, I saw this 1924, 10-year anniversary calendar from People's Bank of St. Thomas, MO. At $400 I quickly lost interest. 

I bought this 1926 Calendar years ago of the Thomas Store, Henley, I believe I paid $10. 

Pie birds always catch my eye. I had one, once. It made a mess when you removed it from the pie. I broke mine and never replaced it. 

These health buttons from the 50's and 60's are just like the ones I would get when I had my check up with what my mom said, I called, My Dr. Enloe. He was in the Central Bank building on High Street. You had to ride the elevator up, that had a metal gate, shut by a woman elevator attendant.

I'd then take the signed paper to Mrs. Pratt, the school health nurse. I was always so proud to get my medal. I'm not sure what ever happened to mine. 

These hand tooled coasters were so cute. I sent a picture to my friend who does leather work, hint. . .  hint.

It's always fun to search through yard sticks, for anything local. I remember this car dealer in town!

A set of nice wash tubs. 

Reverse paintings, I snapped a picture for my friend Debby in case she wants to buy them. I know she was on search for some. $18 for the small one, $28 for the bigger one. 


Frogs. . . .just for Karen C. in Tulsa Oklahoma.

A rather unique filing cabinet. I'm guessing sitting something on top of it would be an inconvenience!

Just a quick trip through some fine things!



Thursday, May 16, 2024

Sewing clothing has become E-X-P-E-N-S-I-V-E

My granddaughter took a sewing class this year, her freshman year of high school.

She went with the class to Joann’s to pick out her pattern.

Note the price of the pattern. $19.95

She bought the fabric.

She bought the elastic $5.74

These are her pajama pants, featuring pockets. I am so proud of her! 

Her total cost was $27 and some change! 

So, let’s talk about what I was paying to sew, almost 54 years ago to the day.

I was a senior in high school, engaged to my high school sweetheart, who had draft #36 and we were sure he’d be going to Vietnam.

The wedding was planned for Saturday May 23, two days after I was to graduate. My senior class was gone on the Senior trip to Florida. I stayed home to save money and sew.

I purchased my fabric from Southside Dry Goods. My pattern cost .71 CENTS

My total dress, train included cost $36.16

The same week I made my 2 flower girl dresses and my two bridesmaids dresses.

Total for all 4 dresses was $43.19  

My younger sister Lona, and Marla, one of 5 of his younger sisters.

His oldest sister, Janie who graduated high school the same week too.

This was my brother’s wife, Linda.

While we’re speaking of cost, let’s talk about our reception.

First there’s wedding invitations, $13.95. . . I bet there are greeting cards now that’s not far from that.

Down payment to the photographer $15!

Not to mention all pages kept in the 10-cent folder too! Oh, the fun of reminiscing.

What will my granddaughter’s wedding cost in the next few years? I hate to think about it.

But one a high note, I’m still sewing and next week we will celebrate 54 years of marriage and that $36.16 wedding dress.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

BAM Conference.

Another conference in the book! Number 32. Our 40th year of existence. 

The Blacksmith Association of Missouri rocks. It’s a close family for us. So many good friends.

This quilt star basket was donated to the auction by Cathy Sylvester of Tanglewood Baskets, from Independence, Missouri.

It’s mine! I bought it at the auction.

The ladies doing their indigo dying outside. I was so jealous after seeing their items that I didn’t take the class. Maybe next time! 

I took needle felting. Rhonda was an excellent teacher, with patience of Jobe. Needle felting helps you get rid of any frustrations! Unfortunately I didn’t get mine finished.

The guys loading “Vern” up for the trip to the conference.

 The boutique lady, me!

Wednesday night there is always a group of us that gathers at Kehde’s BBQ!

Unloading the hammer.

Just a shot to show the Louisiana guys, they were there in spirit.

He’s adjusting the hammer.

A tribute in the gallery to our friend Larry Lutz.

Oops, someone got a little close to our trailer. Luckily they found us and paid for a new light.

Dave always buys a BAM cup, then ask me for a little something to go in it. Next year I hope to have him a special cup!

This post vise was one of the 2 day demonstrations. Luckily my blacksmith purchased it at the auction!

Packing up to go home.

Now the hammer went to Houston Missouri for a class in June.