FINALLY today we got the call that the last test results were in and called for no chemo.
Let the radiation begin. So they got us in just a couple of hours later. I had a scan and got the tattoos. I have always thought about getting a tat of a spool of thread on my wrist. However I couldn't talk the technician into it. Besides she only had black ink. Just don't ask me to show you my new tattoos!!!
Now as soon as they get the plan worked up for the machine that administers it, I will be ready to go. This Thursday at the earliest, otherwise Monday. It will be a total of 20 treatments, 5 days a week for 4 weeks.
We are so ready to get this show on the road, after all I need to be well for our big blacksmith conference the first week of May.
Being on the ailing list is something I am not accustomed to. However I have had the best of support from hundreds of you all.
Some of this is birthday, some thinking of you . . .

Rita not only brought us dinner the night of surgery, but also these cookies, and she had a thermal cup made just for me and my Casita! Did I mention she kept the hubby company at the hospital and was there when I came to in the recovery room.
Thank you Rita!!!
I receive cards almost daily. It makes going to the mail box so heart warming to know all of you are praying for me.
My surprise birthday party held by some of my quilting peeps was a little late, duh, dang surgery on my birthday. However they did manage to pull some surprises on me.
It was antiquing, Mexican for lunch, with a little free entertainment, fabric shopping and
. . . . . of course Central dairy for ice cream was a must.
They all had on these matching shirts and I got one too. Thank you girls. It was a fabulous day and not once did they mention C!
Tammy sent me special Red Rose teas. She introduced me to Red Rose years ago, and I've been hooked ever since..
Tami, . . . . not to be confused with Tammy, sent me this angel she made. It's hanging in my kitchen window with another piece of her work.
She also sent this hand carved this bird, made by her friend. It is such a soothing thing to hold in your hand and rub. It takes your mind off of the unpleasantness of thinking of the big C.
Friends Terri and husband Alan from Minnesota sent this fantastic pillow to me that was a gem after surgery. It's pretty special, Terri buys second hand clothing to make them. My green is an Abercrombie and Fitch lime green sweater. We know Alan and Terri through our blacksmith association. Thank you both!
Cousin Mindy in California sent some organic herbal teas from her cousin's farm in Oregon. Check it out Oshala Farm. There were 7 varieties with amazing taste!
My BFF Diane gave me this personalized charm bracelet. Along with hazelnut roll cookies!!! Yum!!!
Each charm she picked by hand has a special meaning, a sister charm, a believe charm, a cross, and a heart with my birthstone.
I received a card with this religious metal of Mary, from my friend Mary. The metal was blessed in Medjugorje. It fits on my new bracelet from Diane!
Neighbor Judy and her granddaughters brought us warm chocolate chip cookies. They went too fast for a picture.
During this waiting time that took forever, but that's another story, I kept sewing to keep busy. (That was so I didn't do the nervous eat everything in sight trip). I made this for Tami's birthday which is this week. I thought it was very appropriate since she makes stained glass for me.
So I want to say thank you to everyone for all your prayers, hugs, phone calls, gifts, pep talks. I (WE) feel the love.
So until next time . . . Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.