When I returned to Mid-Mo I happened to mention it to my co-worker, Julie. Last night she was shopping at Target and saw it in the dairy case. Not only did she call me to ask if I wanted some, but she delivered it to my front door. What a friend!
No she's not the temporary friend, the creamer is. It's only here for the holidays. But I have three bottles now, and they don't expire until May 2009!
Oh and I forgot to tell you, put this creamer in a strong cup of Java, and it taste just like the expensive stuff at Starbucks. It's even good in a latte, OMG Pumpkin Lattes!
Thanks Julie!
Speaking of friends, I lost an old friend several weeks ago. We had been friends since the very early 70's. We met at T.G.&Y. For you that don't know, that was a really cool Five and Dime store. It sold everything from fabric, clothing, pot and pans, Matchbox cars for 55 cents, jewelry. It was like the super duper wal-marts of today. Only much more friendly.
That is where I purchased this friend for my hope chest.
Yes this 1 cup measuring cup. But as faith would have it, we have been reunited. Yes she's a little more tattered and worn. It seems somehow during the holiday baking, she got lost and ended up in the trash burn barrel. There she hid out for about 3 weeks.
Earlier in the week, I was outside and happened to glance in the burn barrel and there she layed. Crying out for my help. I took her inside where I gentley brushed the soot off with a brillo pad. BT used a soft wooden handle to smooth out her wrinkles and we soaked her in some vinegar. Once again she will grace my kitchen drawer. I only hope she can be by my side another 39 years.
I'm truly sorry about your friend.
I have a flour sifter that I got as a wedding present and that I still use - fond memories after 44 years. blessings, marlene
I'm so sorry about your friend.
I love the pumpkin creamer too-yum! Something to help drag me from the bed each morning.
The pumpkin creamer is also great if you substitute it for the milk in your bread pudding recipe...
I love the facelift that your little friend received. I am going to go soak in vinegar and see if that wooden spoon trick works for me too.
Your friend looks pretty good after your tender loving care.
I love that pumpkin spice creamer, too. I have been using it since November. My bottle is almost gone so I probably won't have it again until next fall.
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