Wednesday, February 10, 2010

And the winner is . . .

Maggie at Grandmayellowhair a.k.a Just Between Me and You.
Email me Maggie with your mailing address please!
Congratulations to Maggie and a BIG Thank you to all who sent me Birthday wishes!
It's great having friends like you.


Unknown said...

Congrats Maggie!


Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Here's sendin' Maggie a great big old Ozarks CONGRATULATIONS on the great win.

Ya'll have one fantastically blessed day!!!

Flat Creek Farm said...

Congratulations, Maggie! -Tammy

Anonymous said...

good job maggie! darling win.

Missouri Gal said...

I gave you an award on my blog. Happy Valentines Day!!!

Sara said...

Those are cool! Congrats Maggie!