Monday, February 15, 2010

Day 2 of quilting

My baby sister loved playing around Grandma's quilting frames today.
Grandma had just rolled her quilt for the first roll. Whatever that means?

My baby sister is really trying to get Grandma's attention.

Then my baby sister got into Grandma's books.

As written and photographed by me, Alex. 5 years old.


Mel said...

I love your post Alex!! Great reporting and photography skills!!

Jackie said...

Alex, you are a great reporter and it was fun to read your story.


Unknown said...

great post and sweet kids.
I see you are hand quilting your quilt from your family reunion. Great.

StitchinByTheLake said...

Alex you really did a good job with the camera - keep up the good work! blessings,marlene

Unknown said...

Great job Alex!

Missouri Gal said...

Really?? I've never hand quilted but I'd LOVE to learn and help you!

Flat Creek Farm said...

Great job, Alex! Your Grandma is an amazing quilter. -Tammy

Anonymous said...

well alex, i do believe you have done a great job and now you better babysit that darling sister so your grandma can keep on quilting!

Sara said...

Great post, Alex! Great photos, too!

Tipper said...

Great job Alex!! Wonderful photos and writing : )