Saturday, March 13, 2010

Times a changing

It's time to change . . .
The clock in what Alex calls his room.

The Bose clock on the piano.

My Dad's antique clock.

My Mom and Dad's grandfather clock.

My kitchen clock.

The living room clock.

The alarm clock on hubby's side of the bed.

The alarm clock on my side of the bed.

The alarm clock in what I call the Noah's Ark bedroom.

The clock on the stove. (Notice my antique Salt and Pepper shakers from my aunt June)

And if I have any time left, I will try to finish the last row of my quilt.
Remember spring forward!


Tipper said...

Now that is a lot of clocks to change-but I love them all : )

Unknown said...

Great post. I do look forward to going to church in the evening, it will still be light coming and going.
You had some great clocks.

StitchinByTheLake said...

I loved seeing your clocks. I haven't gotten all of mine changed yet - there's one in the living room that's hard to do but I'll work on it today. blessings, marlene

Diana LaMarre said...

What a fun post!

I had to look twice to find the salt/pepper shakers. They match the stove so well, that they looked like they were a part of it!

Jackie said...

Wow you have just as many clocks as I do and I'm always looking for more too. I'm finally starting to adjust to the time change today. Hope all is well with you.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Anonymous said...

wow i'm worn out from all your clock changing! hope you enough time to finish your quilt!