Monday, April 5, 2010

Elizabeth's first birthday party

Here is birthday girl in her cute little skort! She even had a birthday bib to match the shirt. It was saved for later.
Whether she liked the toy or not, the box is always great.

Money is always good too!

She loves her new pink car!

A birthday party fit for a little queen!


Anonymous said...

Whoa! I need that tiara! ;)

Unknown said...

How cute she is just darling.
I know you have so much fun with her.

Anonymous said...

what a darling queen elizabeth! aren't granddaughters just the best? ok, ok, so are grandsons!

KatyTrailCreations said...

Did you teach her the "queen" wave yet??lol Better get her ready for parades! She's adorable & thanks for sharing.

Flat Creek Farm said...

Oh my gosh, she is a doll! What fun was had. My favorite pic is Princess E examining the $$$. Like, 'this for reals, Grandma & Grandpa?'! -Tammy p.s. I'm jealous of your banner. Our redbuds are just ready to pop, but not.. quiet.. yet.

Sara said...

Pink Lizzy! :)
Happy Birthday to Miss Elizabeth!

Calamity Jane's Cottage, Bonnie said...

She is a doll, "Happy Birthday Elizabeth", a little late.

Diana Ferguson said...

Thanks for the suggestion.

She's so cute! Love the pink car.

Unknown said...

What a precious little girl. You are really blessed with a beautiful family!

So glad you stopped by today. I love making new blog friends. I sew (French hand sewing and smocking) myself and hope to quilt someday, so I'll definitely hang around with you some :) I love your quote about asking a quilter to mend. I'd extend that to anybody who seriously sews. I sew; I do not do alterations! Yuck!

Mel said...

LOVE the pink car!!! The princess certainly looks the part!

Bernie said...

She is adorable.........:-) hugs