Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Yesterday was a busy day

It was a beautiful spring day. Our 6th day in a row with temperatures over 80 degrees. 64 is our normal average for this time of year. I worked outside most of the day.

I went to Trinklein's greenhouse today. (Just 3 miles from the house.) They have over 18 greenhouses. Six are open to the public. I picked up some pepper plants to go with our tomato plants. I even found 6 Roma tomato plants. Right kind, right Nancy?

I bought dark pink wave petunias.

Two pink geraniums to go with the asparagus fern I wintered over in the basement.

Coleus, two varieties and a sweet potato vine. Hopefully this year the squirrels will leave it along.

Nicotiana, I bought 4 of them. It doesn't look like much in this picture, but they really get pretty.

These are my Blue Bells. They are every where.

Grow baby grow! I can't wait for the fresh peas, or the lettuce, or the spinach or the radishes.

Missouri Columbine.

We had company last night. Flat Creek Farm's hubby came for a visit. It was hard for me to get a word in with the two blacksmiths talking non-stop. He promises to return next week with a whole truck load of "stuff" for the hubby. I might even get another lilac bush out of the deal.
No quilting done, but surly the spring rains will hit soon and I will have to stay inside.

Today I will go to my paying job. I will leave the hubby at home to tend to planting the garden, watering the flowers and playing with the dog. Oh how I will miss the beautiful spring weather!


Flat Creek Farm said...

Wow, that's a familiar-looking truck there at your house! :) I will remind Mr PW about the lilacs so he can hopefully make a delivery soon. Your garden looks wonderful, as do those plants! I must find some bluebells. Seems everyone is talking about bluebells lately. They're so pretty! I'll enjoy some sun today for you since I was trapped at my job yesterday :) -Tammy

Deanna said...

Trinklein's is great, isn't it!

I told Jim to beware - that you have the walmart goods on him.

Let me know when all the MO chatters get together - I want to be included!

Funny in My Mind said...

Love all the flower choices. I just got some trees on sale at Lowes (I am in Missouri as well) and tomorrow I am off to get flowers. I adore radishes! I was stuck at work yesterday and today and missed the sun but tomorrow- look out.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

wow, it's just beautiful. we had snow 4 days ago and it is finally in the 70's. maybe it won't be long til our garden gets planted. can't wait. your flowers are gorgeous!

Missouri Gal said...

Your garden and flowers are gorgeous! Mine looks like weeds besides the few pepper plants I bought!

Sara said...

Everything is looking so good!

Frosted here last night. boo!