Monday, June 21, 2010

Jeremy's first run

The son ran his first race on Saturday.
We were out of town, in fact out of state.
I wish we could have see him run.
Little E gives Daddy a drink of water. Gotta keep hydrated!

Jeremy took third in his age group.
Awesome for his first run ever!
We are so proud of you son!


Unknown said...

Congrats to Jeremy.
Gosh it was so hot Saturday.

Anonymous said...

we watched our son run his first marathon last oct. and it was so amazing watching cross the finish line. congrats to jeremy!

Deanna said...

That is awesome! Where did he run? It was way to hot. Way to go Jeremy!

Buggy is finally home and running good. Taking her to Springfield Thursday. She'd better behave!

Sara said...

That's awesome!

hey, does he have a license to carry those "guns?" hee!