Saturday, February 6, 2010

It's my Birthday!!!

On this day 58 years ago I came into the world.

I grew up with two older brothers and 9 years later a baby sister.

I remember this stroller.
Now if someone would just push me.

What a happy girl I am.

Notice the bangs.
What a dress too,
black and white.

Still bangs,
plaid dress too.

No more bangs.
And no more do I look like this picture either.

And if they use this picture for my obituary . . . I will personally come back and haunt them!




And now announcing a give away.
Because it's my birthday and it's better to give than to receive,
because I can.

I will give away a set of Wade seasons collectibles.

Just leave me birthday wishes.

Winner will be announced February 10
because that's plenty of time for me
to get lots of birthday wishes!

Posted February 6th
6:14 AM
My birthday!


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday to you Patti!!!!
Have a wonderful day.

Flat Creek Farm said...

Happy Birthday!! Those are the cutest pictures, and you look like a movie star in the last one. Woo hoo!!

And a giveaway on your birthday? You are TOO generous. That is a very cute collection! Also love your new bloggy look! Enjoy your day -Tammy

StitchinByTheLake said...

Happy Birthday Patti - and here's wishing you a hundred more. Since I won your giveaway at Christmas don't enter me in this one - don't want to be greedy. You have a wonderful (snowy I know) weekend. blessings, marlene

Anonymous said...

Well, I wanted to wish you a happy birthday anyway...not just for the giveaway....

Are you open for lunch this coming week? My treat...for your bday!! HAPPY HAPPY!!!!! :)

Missouri Gal said...

Happy birthday!!!! Mine was yesterday! That's why we went to Columbia for dinner!

~Laurie~ said...

Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Patti, Happy birthday to you (I sang as I wrote LOL!) Hope it is a wonderful, day!

I like the new Valentine look :)

Vintage Sandy said...

Happy birthday and please enter me in your giveaway....Thanks for visiting my blog and best of luck in my giveaway!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Patti! Love the photos! Have a wonderful day. ~Andrea~

Lori said...

Happy Birthday! I love the old pics. I have pictures with the bangs and a plaid dress with a ig white collar too! Was that picture "Glamour Shots" picture b chance? I've got one of those too!

Janet said...

Happy, Happy Birthday!! Love the little girl pics. I think all of us "of a certain age" have some that are very similar. Have a wonderful day!

The Adams Family said...

Happy Birthday!! Love the old pictures, don't worry about entering me on the giveaway...just wanted to wish you happy bday! ;)

Ann On and On... said...

Happy Birthday...and many more!

Hair is one of the best parts of growing up. It reminds us it's o.k. to laugh at ourselves. :D

My mom collects Wades...Her birthday is on the 11th of February. This would be the best birthday gift I could give her. It's pretty cool you are doing a giveaway on your birthday! Thanks!
amerskine at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Patti, just opened your blog and enjoyed it so much. A great writer!! Happy, happy birthday. Enjoy it!


Donna. W said...

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you! Flat Creek Farm sent me over here, and I want to win!

Sara said...

Happiest Birthday to you!!! (And I made it before the end of the day. Yes!)

You rocked both the bang and bangless looks. :-)

Hot stuff in that obituary picture, lady!

xo-- Sara

Pokey said...

Happy Birthday, all week long! One can still see the little girl in you

~from my front porch in the mountains~ said...

Happy birthday, Patti!!!
The pics of little you look ads for Sears! So adorable you are!
And Tammy is look like a movie star in the last pic!

I hope your birthday week is full of fun and love :)
xo, misha

Jackie said...

Hi Patti! I hope you had a wonderful birthday. Wow...that Glamour Shot is a great one! I like your new blog look too.


V.L. Locey said...

Happy birthday Patti! Such cute pictures!

Grandma Yellow Hair said...

Wow what a great day to find you on your birthday and on top of that a lovely giveaway. lol
A very Happy Birthday to you! Love the pictures of your childhood..
You have a lovely blog and I am looking forward to being a follower.
Enjoy your birthday

Jayme Goffin, The Coop Keeper said...

Love all your photos! Do we all 50'ish gals have Glamour Shots in our photo albums?

Happy Birthday!

Carolina said...

Hope your birthday was great. I loved that stroller. We had one when I was small. My mom would take us to the store every day. I could stand on the back while my brother rode. (we were only 19 months apart) As for all the pictures over time, I like the way you are right now.

Mel said...

Happy, Happy Birthday Patti dear!
Happy days will come to you all year!

If I had one wish, it would be;
A Happy, Happy Birthday to you from me!!

Diana Ferguson said...

Happy Birthday to you!!!

You are so sweet to offer this great giveaway.

Shooting Stars Mag said...

those are absolutely adorable and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! I hope it was a blast.

lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

Unknown said...

Happy BELATED birthday blessings, Patti!

Just LOVE your adorable pictures, resurfaces many memories for me to ...

You are so right, it IS better to give than receive. TY

Have a beautiful week.
Happy Valentine's
TTFN ~Marydon

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday a little late, I just want to be in the drawing. LOL

Julie B.

Anonymous said...

happy happy birthday, you haven't age a bit, ok maybe just a bit. hope you have the grandest birthday ever.

Kilauea Poetry said...

Bangs, I remember I wanted them.. I got them alright, but I happen to have a calic (know as a giddy giddy over here). Of course I didn't mind later. These are great-old photos and new- Happy Birthday!

Sue said...

Hi Patti, Wishing you a very Happy Birthday. loved all of your pictures, and the last one was beautiful.
I would love to be entered in your giveaway.

Dog Trot Farm said...

Happy Birthday Patti, we only get better with age. Please enter me in your lovely giveaway. I had never heard of Wades before,the figurines certainly are sweet. Hope you had a great day!

Diana LaMarre said...

Happy Birthday, Patti! I was gone over the weekend, so I came her to wish you a belated HB, not to get in the giveaway.

Geez, I still have bangs....I kind of like them. But I did get rid of them in high school, just like you did. Your pics made me think of mine at that age.

Parsley said...

Is it too late to enter and join the fun? If not, please enter me.

Hope your birthday was wonderful!

Catherine said...

Happy Birthday! beautiful pictures...agree with Tammy, on the last one you look like a movie star!!!CATHERINE

Rural Rambler said...

Belated Happy Happy Birthday Patti! I did 58 in September!!