You see they wintered out west. They have lived in Iowa all their life. That is until this January.
They took their 5th wheel and flew the coop.
We sure enjoyed their company. Jim threw the blacksmith out of the canoe on Monday. And we still enjoyed their company. Even if the fish still got away. While the guys were fishing Nancy and I took Elizabeth and shopped at Wal-mart.
Tuesday the guys went 4 wheeling. The girls went to the Lake of the Ozarks shopping. We first checked out Love to Sew Boutique. Nancy and I both bought fabric. You know the old saying: the quilter that dies with the most fabric wins! Our next stop was Marshall's, then one of us, I'm not saying who did some serious shopping. That person even bought a Christmas present.
We are sorry to see the company leave. But they have been away from their home for almost 3 months. Which means they have been away from their kids, daughter-in-laws, son-in-law and GRAND KIDS for 3 months. I know they missed them all.
I hope they come back soon.
Visits from dear friends and family are treasures. It sounds like you had a wonderful visit. Too bad the fish got away tho. So, What is Palm Weaving? I have never heard of this curious weaving. I can imagine your guests are very anxious to get back home to their family too.
Bless You and Hoppy Easter
I LOVE Marshalls!!!! The pork loin looks DELISH!!!!!! :)
Super Gigante? Yep, that's big! : )
Sounds like everyone had a fun time (except poor BT and his unplanned swim?). Gosh, that pork loin looks irresistible. Off to check it out! -Tammy
That sounds like a fun few days.
I've always wondered how to weave the palms. They always look so neat like that.
ok, leave it to me to ask.... what is weave the palms? I Am from Missouri you know but don't know this one. lol
Sounds like perfect company to keep. I just had to say how precious little Elizabeth is in her little pink car.
I too am quite curious about Palm Weaving. The pork loin in makin' me drool a bit! Heehehe!
God bless and have yourself the best day!!!
How nice to have a visit from dear friends.
The pork Loin looks wonderful. Don't you love that cook book. We use it at the shop to make lunches for Friday hooking day.
Have a beautiful Easter
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