After breakfast, we did a web cam with aunt Sarah in Oklahoma. Here he is just after he opened his gift from her, a new bike helmet.
After lunch I took the brothers to Jefferson City to visit the Webkinz bus. Okay so it was called a bus, but it was really a van.
If this comes to your town, be sure and visit it with the kids. They had free games and gave away great prizes. Each boy, for a bean bag toss, won a webkinz with a key ring attached. Alex then won an outfit for one of his animals. Brady won trading cards. I couldn't get either one to do the karaoke, one prize they both lost out on.
We all celebrated dinner at El Jimador's. Of course birthday boy got the hat, the ice cream on the face and the birthday song.
The rest of us got mini-cup cakes. Elizabeth even enjoyed hers.
And speaking of birthdays, some one at Flat Creek has a really big birthday today. Please pop over and tell her Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Brady! Love the sombrero! Mexican for his birthday, Patti, your killing me! You know I love that stuff! : )
Thanks for the heads up about you know who; if I'm not mistaken it's a special birthday this year! I best get on over there!
Be well! ~Andrea~
Oh, Patti. You ratted me out.. lol. But you REALLY could have ratted me out by telling my age! Thanks so much for the b-day shout-out, and please give that darling Mr. Brady a big hug from his OLD b-day twin. Great hat, Brady!!! Hugs, Tammy
Happy Birthday Brady...what a handsome fella you are. Glad you had such a grand day. Love the sombrero and that bike helmet is awesome.
Here's sendin' the 'big guy' a very happy birthday wish. It looks like he had a great celebration.
I just adore those tiny little crocs...just precious!
Ya'll have a great day whoopin' it up filled with blessings and celebration!!! :o)
Happy birthday to the grandson. The kids are so adorable and i LOVE the pink cocks.
I could have sworn I commented on this post! Oh well. Everyone seemed to have a wonderful time. You definitely got a good deal on those Crocs. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRADY!
I wasn't able to find a beet (although I have before), so I used a can of beets. I think it made the juice redder than normal.
Glad his b-day was a good one!
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