and so much more
Ya all come!
Schott Road, Jefferson City Missouri
July 11th and 12th
From Highway 50 East of Jefferson city take Schott Road exit at the new Wal-mart store. Take the first exit on the round about. Travel about 1/4 mile, gravel road is on the left.
(No concessions, bring your own)
We have a wedding to go to on Saturday, but Sunday looks promising... It looks like fun!
Geesh I have to go to St. Lou for a baby shower. Haven't been to a baby shower in 30 years, seriously! Sunday is a very dear friends Family Dinner! So little time. CH and I would really enjoy your blacksmith and his beautiful work and the antique tractors and the horses. Dang. It is going to be a beautiful weekend weather-wise too! Have fun!
Sounds like a wonderful, fun way to spend a Saturday! We have similar things around here in NE Georgia.
Jeff City has a NEW WALMART!! And a Round-a-bout...Yowser...
We are heading up to Fulton Saturday to look at weekend homes... can't wait..
Yes, Mitchell, Kerry and Dennis are my dad's first cousins, my second cousins, and all three were in Vegas at the reunion :)! Small world isn't it :0!!!!!
Mr. W earlier thought he would see you two if he goes to the BAM meeting Saturday morning (he has to work part of the day). I clued him in when I saw this post ;) Sounds like fun! I grew up with the Mark Twain Old Threshers at Paris, which is also this weekend. -Tammy p.s. i have a giveaway going on until wednesday.. don't miss! :)
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