Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Celebrating Mom's 86th Birthday

Today Brady, Alex and I went to Mom's for her birthday. We were served a nice lunch of open faced roast beef sandwiches, mashed potatoes, gravy and my favorite broccoli salad. Alex liked the salad because it had bacon and raisins in it.

We stopped on our way to pick up the cake I had ordered. It was half chocolate and half white with whipped icing. It was so pretty, candles and all.

After lunch we walked the halls with Mom. The boys wanted to see the exercise room. It wasn't long before Mom needed a little rest and to get off her feet.

Guess I should have left Alex with her, because here is what he looked like on the ride home.

And while his brother was taking pictures in the back seat he took this one of me. I know it looks like I have a death grip on the steering wheel too!

We then went to visit BT at work. It was his last full day of work, before retirement on 12/31/2009!!!


Sarah said...

Happy Birthday to your mom! Wonderful way to celebrate. ~ Sarah

Becky said...

Happy birthday to your mom and happy retirement to your hubs! Whatever are you guys going to do with yourselves? LOL! Will he have more time for his hobbies and to drive you crazy now?!

Flat Creek Farm said...

What a fun day! Happy Birthday to your mom, and happy retirement to BT! -Tammy

Jackie said...

Happy Birthday to your Mom! I love that broccoli salad too. Retirement...the fun days are ahead!

Have a great night.

Sara said...

Happy Birthday to your Mom!

And thank you ever so much for reporting on the food ;-) Dang, that sounded good!

Anonymous said...

what an exciting day, birthday and retirement! yeah!!! tell them both congrats. on their milestones!