After breakfast, we did a web cam with aunt Sarah in Oklahoma. Here he is just after he opened his gift from her, a new bike helmet.
After lunch I took the brothers to Jefferson City to visit the Webkinz bus. Okay so it was called a bus, but it was really a van.
If this comes to your town, be sure and visit it with the kids. They had free games and gave away great prizes. Each boy, for a bean bag toss, won a webkinz with a key ring attached. Alex then won an outfit for one of his animals. Brady won trading cards. I couldn't get either one to do the karaoke, one prize they both lost out on.
After that we strolled downtown for the sidewalk sales. I had been looking for Elizabeth a pair of crocs. Here she models them. What a bargain for only $3.00
We all celebrated dinner at El Jimador's. Of course birthday boy got the hat, the ice cream on the face and the birthday song.
The rest of us got mini-cup cakes. Elizabeth even enjoyed hers.
And speaking of birthdays, some one at Flat Creek has a really big birthday today. Please pop over and tell her Happy Birthday!