Wednesday, July 28, 2010

It's Brady's Birthday

Today the big guy turned 9. Well officially it's not until a few minutes before midnight, but we celebrated any way all day long.

After breakfast, we did a web cam with aunt Sarah in Oklahoma. Here he is just after he opened his gift from her, a new bike helmet.

After lunch I took the brothers to Jefferson City to visit the Webkinz bus. Okay so it was called a bus, but it was really a van.

If this comes to your town, be sure and visit it with the kids. They had free games and gave away great prizes. Each boy, for a bean bag toss, won a webkinz with a key ring attached. Alex then won an outfit for one of his animals. Brady won trading cards. I couldn't get either one to do the karaoke, one prize they both lost out on.

After that we strolled downtown for the sidewalk sales. I had been looking for Elizabeth a pair of crocs. Here she models them. What a bargain for only $3.00

We all celebrated dinner at El Jimador's. Of course birthday boy got the hat, the ice cream on the face and the birthday song.

The rest of us got mini-cup cakes. Elizabeth even enjoyed hers.

And speaking of birthdays, some one at
Flat Creek has a really big birthday today. Please pop over and tell her Happy Birthday!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I'm a copy cat. Well almost.

How many times do you read a blog, find a recipe, and go make it?

I read Pioneer Woman's
Tasty Kitchen all the time. There are always good recipes there.

But yesterday I saw that on
Garden of Daisies, Gayle had Fanciful Raspberry Ribbons. Oh my gosh, they looked so good. I love Raspberries. But sadly, I didn't have any in my pantry.

What's a cook to do? IMPROVISE!!

Since the blacksmith has picked about 15 gallons of blackberries this summer, and we have made about 24 jars of jelly, I thought I could make this recipe work for me..

So what I did, was first cut the recipe in half. After all there are only two of us living in this house and one of us doesn't need all those tempting calories around. After that, I thawed about 5 big juicy blackberries and mixed them in with about 1/2 cup of my blackberry jelly. I then followed Gayle's recipe.


Thanks Garden of Daisies for the recipe. They are delicious!!!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Celebrating an engagement

During our trip last week, we chose a night to go out to eat. It was to celebrate Sarah's and Rusty's engagement.

It's not surprising that Sarah picked one of Guy Fiere's Diners, Drive-ins and Dives to eat at. She watches the Food network all the time.

June 2009, we ate at
Cattlemen's, when meeting Rusty's parents.

January of this year we ate at
Eischen's. So it was only appropriate that Sarah pick another one of Guy's favorite restaurant's to try. This time it was Ingrid's Kitchen. For more than 30 years, Ingrid’s Kitchen has been one of Oklahoma City’s favorite choices for the finest in German food, as well as other European and American specialties.

In 1950, at the age of 15, Ingrid Quitz escaped Berlin by crawling across the border to freedom. In 1977, she opened Ingrid's Kitchen, eventually moving the business to 36th and Youngs - its current location in the heart of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. The young refugee’s dream to make Ingrid’s Kitchen a landmark is a dream come true.

Congratulations to the happy couple!

You order from the counter. Here they are looking over their choices.

It was Wiener Schnitzel for Sarah and her Dad, complete with Sauerkraut, Red Cabbage,
and German Potato Salad. I had the same sides but I chose a smoked pork chop. Rusty being non-German, opted out of the sauerkraut and went for a sausage sandwich.

After our meal we had this case to look through for dessert.

And this case too.

But in the end, we chose a carry out. I had a spice bar made with molasses, raisins and cinnamon with a powdered sugar glaze. Sarah and Rusty shared a big almond cookie, actually two cookies with a layer of raspberry jam in the middle and then dipped in chocolate. It turned out to be a two day cookie. Did I say BIG?
It was a great evening and we are so happy for Sarah and Rusty!!! CONGRATULATIONS

Saturday, July 24, 2010


We made a trip this week to Oklahoma. Sarah and I had a couple of appointments to find a wedding dress for her. They are wanting a March wedding.

The blacksmith snapped this picture as we were heading out.

Our first appointment was in Edmond at Bella Rose.
It is so appropriate, since Sarah's middle name is Rose.
The second dress she tried on there so far is the favorite.

We saw hems like this one.

Backs like this one. Too big! Did I mention she needs a size 4 dress. So why is it then that hardly any of the nicer shops had anything smaller than an 8?

I had lots of couch time.
I waited and waited for the champagne.
Why is it on the wedding shows on TV the mother gets champagne?
I was never offered.

There was the one shoulder dress.

There were strapless with gathers.

There were halters.

More hems, this one in layers.

There were off the shoulders.

Backs that laced.

More gowns that were too big.
That's when the big clamps came into use.

Then we found this store.
J J Kelley.
Now had we stayed there, I'm sure I would have gotten champagne.
When Sarah told them her budget, the clerk said,
"Oh honey I'm so sorry, we don't have a dress in the shop under $1800.00."
It was a quick exit for us.

And then we found Bridal Showroom.
Sarah tried on several off the rack dresses closest to her size.
The tailor was busy with a client, so we headed home.
But first we stopped at McD's for 2 free Iced Mocha's.
Of course somehow, 3 oatmeal raisin cookies followed us out.
Once home we called every bridal shop in Oklahoma City and out lying suburbs.
No one could get the dress that was her favorite in size 4 unless we bought it.
Several offered to get a size 6 to try on for a $40 fee.
Sarah then called shops in Missouri, from Springfield, Joplin, Columbia, Jefferson City, Tipton and more. Same results as those in Oklahoma. No size 4.
With not many options left we called the Bridal Showroom and made an appointment for Wednesday to meet the tailor.

At noon on Wednesday, we met Mostafa Moghbel, Moe for short. He started working in his father's tailor shop at the age of 7. He is a fifth-generation tailor. Once you tell him what you are looking for it's very evident that he loves his work.

Sarah gave him a photo of the dress she liked. Immediately, he started sketching the front of a dress. He then sketched the back, talking as he drew. As he went, he asked questions, colors, fabric, day or evening wedding, etc.
She told him of the fabric overlay. Immediately he said "Honey, I have fabric for you". He went to the back and brought back a large tube of the most beautiful fabric. But he hung his head and said "Honey I don't know if there is enough". He then proceeded to pull off yards at a time and measuring it between his arms. If fell to the floor in the most graceful pile. Finally he said "Honey, yes I think there is enough".
We spent close to an hour with him. He told us about his wife, his house fire, and his business. He told us that he didn't need a decision today, but we should think about it. We have until September to decide. But I don't think we will wait that long. I'm pretty sure we have found the dress and the dressmaker of Sarah's dreams.

Friday, July 23, 2010

When we arrived home . . .

This is what we found. Trees down.

Lots of tomatoes to can and cucumbers too.

A package on the door step.

When I opened it, I saw all these wonderful things. With a candle in there, it all smelled so good. It was a give away from Lori at Mountain Woman at Heart. I am so glad it didn't blow away in the storm. I had my bff pick up my mail at the mail box while we were gone. That box is located about 1/2 mile from my house. Apparently the package wouldn't fit in the mail box. Luckily, we have a very considerate mailman. He stuck it inside a plastic bag and tucked it on the door step.

So you wanna know where I've been? Been in Oklahoma City wedding dress shopping with daughter Sarah. So posts on that will follow after I catch up here!
Stay tuned!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A new blogger friend

Okay, I don't want to rub it in, but I won again.

Check out my new friend at My Red Truck. Please, please sign up to be a follower. She needs your support!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

My little sister has a birthday today!

My sister is yelling at me.
She's trying to stop me from telling a story on her . . . fat chance.

There was the time I stuck her in ice water in the front yard.

Then there was the time I put her in the cute little plaid dress.

And the second time I dressed her in a little plaid dress.

I couldn't find another plaid dress to put on her. So I found a belted sweater!

Finally we became the mod -sisters.
Happy 49th Birthday Lona!
Watch out next year!
Remember I decorated Wesley's truck at the auto repair shop! LOL

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Mini class reunion

What do these five girls have in common?
We all grew up together in the late 60's and graduated in 1970.
We were BFF in Junior High School and beyond.
This weekend was our 40th class reunion.
AND . . .
Today was the first time some of us had seen each other in 40 years.

So we celebrated with this dessert after a wonderful meal at Arris's Cafe.

Kathy, Sandy, Judy, Rita and Me

Here we are after wining and dining.

Love you girls!!!!

Friday, July 16, 2010

It's a win win day

What a cool day I had! (That is after I got off work).

Anyone who knows me, knows I love pottery! Blue is my usual choice of color. Several months ago while reading Lori's Mountain woman at heart blog, I discovered a butter bell.

The search was on. I knew a cobalt blue butter bell was in my future.

So one evening while talking to my friend Jackie of Carolina Crafting on facebook, I mentioned that I was looking for a butter bell. Jackie has a shop at Brasstown, North Carolina. There she features local artists.

She contacted one of her artist at Back Creek Clay and had one made for me!

So this is what was in my mail box today!

A coblate blue butter keeper!!!
Now for those of you that aren't familiar with a butter bell here's the deal. You take a stick of real butter, yes real butter. Let it come to room temperatures and then smash it into the cup on the lid. You then put a small amount of water in the bowl. Turn the lid over and insert it into the bowl. Your real butter stays soft on the counter and doesn't spoil because the water seals the air off from it.
I can hardly wait to make fresh blackberry muffins in the morning and smear the soft real butter on.

Jackie also included a surprise gift. These are microwave oven mitts. Jackie calls them her latest obsession. Thanks for the surprise gift Jackie!

But wait there was another package for me. I won this pattern giveaway the other day from Chancy at Created by Chancy.
WAIT, there's more. . . tonight was I was checking some of my favorite blogs before signing off, I see where I won a giveaway. It's from Lori at Mountain woman at heart. Yep, the same Lori that told me about the butter bell!
So there is more on the way. Thanks to my blogger friends, Jackie, Chancy and Lori. You girls made my day!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Wordy Wednesday

As I type this at 6:30 PM, it's 95 degrees here in Mid-Missouri. The humidity is at 56% and we are under a heat advisory. AND it's only JULY! What the heck will August be like?

Anyway, the pumpkins are blooming. Such a cool star shaped bloom. The grandsons are so excited to be growing pumpkins. The seeds came from some pumpkins they carved a year or two ago.

These are Patty Pan squash. Something you don't hear of too often. It's a very firm fleshed squash.
Now does this say hooray for the red, white and blue or what? We've made 5 batches of blackberry jelly. Yes "we". The hubby is a big help. He runs the food mill, which removes the seeds. He also cold packs the jars in the garage. He uses his camp stove to keep the heat out of the kitchen.
Isn't this the cutest t-towel ever? Thanks Nancy!

Look at these sliced tomatoes. Don't they make your mouth water? Tammy from Flat Creek gave us some Black Oxheart plants. This was our first harvest. There is no comparison to the hybrid plants vs the heirloom!

Today the grandsons came over for a couple of hours. I had some bananas that needed to be used up. (Note to self . . .do not buy Aldi's bananas again). Alex loves banana bread. So after baking a blackberry pie and making a batch of granola, he and I made banana bread. This wasn't
his first try either. Click on that if you want the recipe.

Now it's time to R and R in the recliner where it's nice and cool!