Last week when I was helping my BFF iron 30 table cloths and 30 table runners, I saw her ironing board.
It's a sorry sight to see. She exclaimed, "yep had this same cover for my 30 plus years of marriage". At least what's left of it.
So today my mission was to break into her house and steal her ironing board.
I had covered mine sometime back and I still had some of the matching fabric left.
First turn the ironing board upside down on the fabric. Cut it out about 3 inches bigger than the board.
I then added a new padded purchased top.
I then added bias tape all around the edge, turned it over and sewed it down making about a 3/4 inch casing.
Take your husbands strong twine, add a safety pin and start string in through. Draw it tight and tie off with a good knot. Her board still had 3 spring clips, thought a little rusty, I reattached them to the under side.
We now have matching ironing board covers.
Well almost, I signed hers!
Now back to breaking and entering her house again before she gets home from work.
What a wonderful friend you are! That ironing board cover is so pretty, I bet it would even take away the drudgery of ironing ;) Nice work, you sneaky girl! -Tammy
Very good friend you are and I agree with Tattytiara, your signature will be a sweet thing every time she pulls out the iron! Are you not just a tad busy with the wedding and all?????
What a terrific friend you are, Patti! And how do you find time to do all these things? Have a great weekend...oh, don't you have a wedding this weekend? Have a wonderful time!
What a wonderful friend you are! That ironing board cover is so pretty, I bet it would even take away the drudgery of ironing ;) Nice work, you sneaky girl! -Tammy
Will you come do mine : )
You are truly a very good and thoughtful friend! I bet she was surprised. :)
I need a friend to do that too - I'll be 2nd after Tipper. :) blessings, marlene
What's an ironing board?
Ok, just kidding. I replaced my cover last week. Did you know they sell them at WalMart? Your way is so much better!!! What a great friend you are!
The best part is she gets to see your sweet note every time she goes to use it. What a considerate gift!
You are Too cute !
I NEED one, too! Okay, I guess I could make one. Do you use any special fabric?
Awww, that is the sweetest! And, thanks for the tutorial... my poor ironing board has seen better days. I'm going to do this!
This is the sweetest thing ever! I love it! You are a good friend!!!
You are a true friend. I bet she will be surprised when she goes to iron!
That pretty ironing board cover would help me to iron more for sure. What a sweet surprise for your friend.
Very good friend you are and I agree with Tattytiara, your signature will be a sweet thing every time she pulls out the iron! Are you not just a tad busy with the wedding and all?????
LOVE IT!!!! Honey, ya can break into my house anytime!!! What a friend.
I too had a cover for ions and finally recovered my in a pretty little cover. Dang, almost too pretty to use!!! Ironing is not my favorite thing.
What a wonderful friend you are!
God bless and enjoy your day!
What a terrific friend you are, Patti! And how do you find time to do all these things? Have a great weekend...oh, don't you have a wedding this weekend? Have a wonderful time!
How fun...wish someone would come and make mine pretty!!
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