I bet that got your attention?!?
Last night was Girls night out. something I almost never do. I'm a home body. I enjoy being with my husband, and I don't leave him very often. However, Diane my VBF asked me to go to Men of the Club show. It is a fund raiser for The Boys and girls Club of the Capital City, a United Way Agency.
The show at the Capitol Plaza Hotel had a room packed with 1300 people. Marla had saved us seats. Diane, Donnie and I arrived about 30 minutes before the show started. We had taken snacks with us as suggested. First we made our way to the bar at the far end of the room. There were several bars set up. I purchased a whole bottle of Norton Wine by St James Winery. One of Missouri finest. It was $15 for a bottle, or $7 for a glass. You do the math.
It was fun to people watch everyone come in. It was filled with about 90% women, the rest were a few husbands that were probably thinking they were coming to a real men's fashion show.

Eleven men were participating in the Swimwear, Talent and Evening wear competition. Some of these guys had real talent! Police Captain Shoemaker sang Going to Jackson with a gal from the local Convention and Visitor's Bureau.
There were Michael Jackson, and Tom Cruise, impersonators. Save a horse ride a cowboy was done by a tall thin African American who was shirtless with leather chaps on, wearing nothing but a swim suit underneath! My Way was done by the final winner (who just happened to work for a Beer distributor) so at the end of his song he pulled a beer out of his chest pocket.
By the time we left my jaws were sop sore from laughing and yelling they hurt!
All girls need to get out once in awhile!
Well it sure sounds like fun to me - wish I'd been with you! blessings, marlene
Laughing till your face hurts-is always good.
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