You will get a kick out of this. Kelly is hosting "show us your life- wedding dress day.
So I dug deep and even found the receipt for the cost of my dress. Remember we got married in the dark ages. The total cost of my dress* was $36.16. I didn't charge myself for making it, so labor was free.

What I didn't show you is the 4 bridesmaid dresses. I
bought their fabric. Oh and I also made those 4 dresses.
Total spent was $43.19. Did I mention I was still in high school at the time?
I did graduate before we got married. By two days too!
I did borrow my veil. Does it look familiar Nentwig girls?
Wasn't my Dad a doll? We use to tell him he looked like String bean from Hee Haw.

Now on to my Friday finds!
I found this neat little pottery piece at an antique store today. They labeled it a toothpick holder. That I doubt.
I did graduate before we got married. By two days too!
I did borrow my veil. Does it look familiar Nentwig girls?
Wasn't my Dad a doll? We use to tell him he looked like String bean from Hee Haw.
Now on to my Friday finds!
I found this neat little pottery piece at an antique store today. They labeled it a toothpick holder. That I doubt.
We have a new Tuesday Morning's store in town. I stocked up on Halloween Ty beanies for the grand kids. Not bad at $2.99 a piece.
In a couple of weeks I am invited to an afternoon tea party. Dress up is required. I found this Moo Moo for my Mother. She always made them for my sister and I and herself back in the day. Of course we all three had matching ones too.
This one says authentic Hawaiian, or so the tag says. What do you think Cousin Mindy in Hawaii? Look real to you?
To dressMom up I still need a hat and lots of gaudy jewerly .
For a $1.00 I found this cobalt blue piece at Salvation army. I just can't decide is it old or repo, candle holder or vase. Anybody know?
At the antique mall I found this neat little crochet vase cover. Of course what it is really covering is an old Akla seltzer bottle. The proof is on the bottle bottom "AS".
Bentley dog even got a treat today. A giant kong. You put peanut butter inside and it keeps him entertained for minutes, licking it out. Wish it was hours.
*Now that I look at the receipt for the wedding fabric, I noticed it's dated December 11, 1969. WOW that was before I even had my engagement ring, or had told my parents we were getting married. YIKES!!! Oh to be young again.
8:25pm 88 degrees.
That is brilliant that you have the receipt for the cost of the materials for your wedding dress! Lovely dress too, by the way. :)
Beautiful dress, and so impressive that a high schooler made not only *her* dress, but the bridesmaids as well. Unheard of these days, I would venture to say.
Your finds are way cool! Bentley is lucky to have a Kong. Our 3 think they're the best-est! -Tammy
I'm very impressed. I got married last year and gawked at my family that suggested I make my own dress. It just seems like such an intimidating project!
My pups love their kongs too. I think they're buried somewhere in the backyard these days.
Your dress was beautiful. I enjoyed my visit to your blog...so glad to find it and will be back often.
Hope you will visit me...I have a fun post up today with two giveaways on Monday.
That was pretty neat! You looked absolutely perfect. What a romantic story :)
Love your little blue pieces. That cobalt piece has me stumped. Maybe it's one of those things you can use both ways?
My wedding attire? Blue jeans and flip flops at the JP, 3 kids in tow. Not sure you could've made it any more suited to us though.
I liked your finds-and loved loved your wedding photo : )
I made mine the week before the wedding (we had moved the date up from May to Dec the year before). College ended for the semester. Went to mom's. Sewed for a week. My sister was finishing handsewing the lace and sequins to the bodice during the rehearsal dinner. We were married Christmas eve morning. I put $40 into the material, thanks to a fabric sale. The bottom hem was ten yards wide. I sewed around the bottom of it twice with machine, three times by hand...hem, lace and pearl string. And if I could go back now, with current sewing/fitting skills, it would have fit a lot better in the bodice...would have helped if I had had a chest or a good water bra! LOL
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