A three day weekend!
On Saturday the mailman delivered mail to our door. (Usually it's about a 1/4 mile from the house to our postal box) There was a package from the Iowa cousins. You see BT fixed his Harley Davidson in the blacksmith shop a couple of weeks ago. Dan was very impressed and sent him this Harley T-shirt. The hat is from another cousin a year or so ago. It's a Harley Davidson hat from Sturgis! Cousins are good to BT.
Sarah and Rusty were here for 4 days. This is what you do when the electricity goes off for almost 2 hours. There is no charging cell phones, no surfin' the internet, no showers or hair curling, thus the faceless photo.
Just received an email from Tim, a friend who works for Missouri conservation, he tells me they are Bristly Greenbrier.
For more information see his report. Thanks TIM!!!
So Sunday we went to the cabin fishing.
But first Sarah goes for a swing.
Rusty caught the first fish.
I even got into the fishing thing. BT was busy baiting and repairing the girls lines. This was the stringer full when we quit. They were all bluegills. Good eating after BT filets them.
BUT WAIT . . .nothing compared to Jeremy's 3 day fishing trip.
This scale is holding the biggest fish. No you can't see the fish, it wouldn't fit into the picture. It weighed 77 pounds!
I can't think of a comment to leave on this picture.
Day 1 of the Mississippi River/Meramac River trip.
Day 2
Day 3
Hope everyone had a great Labor Day!
Glad you were able to solve the vine mystery. That is a very nice vine BTW. And look at all those fish - in all sizes! I am most impressed by the cabin however. I will take one of those by our big pond. -Tammy
Okay, what is the deal with the barbie dolls? Men with dolls, just doesn't seem right....lol
Oh MAN!!!....did someone mention
Man those are some BIG fish! WOW!! I love catchin' em' but can't bring myself to eat them.
Oh my gosh! Those fish with beer and BARBIES in their mouths!!
I can tell that you all have a great time when you are together!!
Oh, I love it!
I love your cabin. Did BT build it?
What a fun time you all must have had.
I have not fished in years...many, many years....I remember that I used to think it was fun--as long as I did NOT have to bait my own hook. LOL.
looks like way to much fun! were any fish left? our 3 day weekend was pretty boring compared to yours!!!
Wow wow wow at the fish!! Glad you had a good visit with the cousins too : )
There is just too much awesomeness going on in this post!!!!! Love it!
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