Friday, September 4, 2009

Practicing retirement

It's been a different week, BT is off 'practicin'. This means no set routine, get up when we want, eat when we want, go to bed when we want. Man this is the life! This is great considering we are doing this while still on the payroll.

One thing he wanted to get done this week was to built a grape arbor. There are beautiful concord grapes on his home place and for years we have talked about getting starts of them.

Today would be the day as BT had some help, and I say some lightly. Alex had been dealing with strep and couldn't go to school until he was 24 hours fever free. Today he was on the mend and wanted to go outside with Grandpa. He was pretty good at helping to clean out the holes.

Well for awhile, even airplanes would side track him!

BT finished the job of putting the posts in.

Here's the finished arbor. Today I called the master gardener on the local radio show. She said we could transplant them now, due to the wonderful weather we are having.

Can anyone tell us what this vine is? It has very dark round berries hanging on it.

Since I was home most of the week, I had things I wanted to finished too. One was repainting the the kitchen bar stools.

I got Maryjane's quilt bound.

Finally, remember this little camp stool I bought last week at the antique store. BT sealed the wood and help me staple a new seat on it. It will work great to use by the sewing machine and set my scrap box on.

Now the weeekend is here, rain and all. Company is coming in for 4 days! Sarah and Rusty are coming!!!!!!!

Have a happy and safe Labor day.


Brandi said...

Strep stinks... hope he feels better soon. A grape arbor is a neat idea. I wish my thumb was a little greener! Wow! Beautiful quilt! :) Have a great weekend.

Flat Creek Farm said...

You two have been busy-busy during retirement practice! PW and I looked through our books, but they are tree books. He says if it were a tree, it could be a Red Haw. However, I think it's not a tree so we are no help. Sorry! If you find out what it is, let us know :) -Tammy

Becky said...

Yuck...strep is a dreaded thing around here. We do NOT like it. H gets it a lot. She is dealing with a temp right now...meds are keeping it in control. I am just now building my strength back up...not all there yet.

Anonymous said...

glad the strep is on its way out and the rain is on its way in! love the quilt!

Diana LaMarre said...

In a few years I bet you will be making your own wine.

It is great to be off work and still on the payroll. Too bad it never lasts very long. :)

It sounds like you got a lot done. Your little bench seat looks great, as does the quilt.

Enjoy the rest of your time off.

StitchinByTheLake said...

Ok I am coveting that camp stool! Shame on me. :( blessings, marlene

Tipper said...

Yikes strep it horrible! Looks like you guys are getting lots of things done. Makes me with I had a grape arbor too : )