8:30 AM the son calls, can I watch the baby (the boys had stayed all night with us). Lori had the flu. It hit her about 4 hours before it came to our house.
My day was watching this little dare devil. Her brothers were pretty much entertained with cartoons and the Wii fit.
Saturday night I slept in the spare bedroom. The blacksmith was still very ill.
I woke up at 2 AM to check on him. He was starting to make a turn for the better he thought.
Sunday morning, 7:30 he got up and took a shower. I stripped the bed completely. I opened the windows in the bedroom, turned the ceiling fan on high and shut the door.
By the time all the bed clothes were washed and bleached, it was down to 60 degrees in the bedroom. There flu bugs take that cold!
The kids came back as their mother was still not up to par. Their Daddy had to run his traps on the river.
So this is what I did next. She loves her bath.
Between laundering 3 loads of clothes, making a batch of pepper jelly, making a batch of sweet dough, feeding the kids and reading the newspaper, my day was full.
Tonight the blacksmith is feeling better. Hopefully all bugs flew out the window.
I am soooo hoping you don't get it! Don't you hate that feeling that little flu critters are hiding in your house. I am with ya sister, open the windows and freeze 'em out!! :) By the way, I forgot how hard it is to watch a little one all day long, they are sooo busy!
It does sound like you had a very full day. I pity the patient who gets me for the nurse. I try but I've never been good at it.
I hope the bug does not hit you next!
What a busy weekend you had - isn't it great to be able to help out your kids? Hope the blacksmith is better and that you don't get it. blessings, marlene
That E is such a cutie! I don't think I have it in me at this point to chase after a little one like that. If I do ever become grandma, I'll need months of boot camp first. PW had already heard you guys didn't make it to the meeting - now we know why! You stay well, girl.
Hope Bernie is feeling better and that you don't get it. My friend here in Austin thinks she just got over H1N1. None of that! Take care.
Thanks for the help Mom. We all appreciated it.
Darn that flu bug, I had it too.
You watched those kids AND made homemade goodies? It must be a mom thing :) That bath picture is precious!
Darn that flu bug, I had it too.
You watched those kids AND made homemade goodies? It must be a mom thing :) That bath picture is precious!
Well at least you had some fun while everyone else was down for the count! I hope that nasty bug has spared you.
Be well!
I've yet to have the flu. I've had a nasty cold so far but that's been it. Hope you all get better soon!
By any chance we're you on 54 heading toward Jeff City this afternoon?
Oh! I hope you fought that off (I've still got some reading to do...)
It made some rounds at our house too. Nasty!
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