We left the house by 9:15 to do our "weekly" shopping. You know in retirement you have to combine your shopping and your needs into one "town" trip.Our first stop in Jefferson City was in the area referred to as Old Munichburg. You can read all about Old Munichburg here.
Payway Feed Store was the place. There we purchased water softener salt, bird seed and deer corn.
Just two blocks away, I took the Blacksmith for a hair cut at Southside Barber Shop. This whole ponytail thing in retirement, just isn't going to happen.
As you can see they have some serious construction going on here. There are a group of men restoring the original fronts to this block. The barber shop is the first building. It has been there for at least 55 years. I know, I went there with my Daddy when I was little. I even got my bangs cut there a couple of times.
When my son was little he went there. Hubby still goes there. Son and grandsons still go there. Hair cuts are $12.00, maybe I will get my next hair cut there. It will sure beat the $30.00 I pay just for a cut.
Across town to Whaley's pharmacy. Had I needed a caffeine fix, I could have gotten it there. They have a great coffee bar and a very friendly Barista. One of their pharmacies on the east side of town, has the original 1950 soda counter still in operation. I spent many afternoons there after high school spinning around on the stools.
Just up the street we went to the Capital Mall. It's not what it used to be. So many stores have left and went to free standing buildings or strip malls. I was going for a swimsuit top at Penney's. The internet said it was available in this store. NOT. On to Joann's for fabric. NOT. They didn't have anything that matched what I was looking for. The score at the mall? Mall 2, Me 0. (Don't forget the blacksmith is still tagging along with me through all these stores)
Across highway 50 we stopped at Lowe's. There we were looking for blackberry bushes and a plumbing fitting. Score 1 fitting, no blackberries.
Ah! the little guy. A farm and home supply, Orschelns. There we scored 1 blackberry bush, the last one they had. I also picked up a bag of Andy's fish seasonings. It's the best!
The next few stops I was so intent on shopping I forgot the camera.
Wal-mart. Why take a picture there? Seen one, you've seen them all.
Next the Ace hardware store. Scored a 100 foot garden hose with a $12 rebate, 3 bags of Miracle grow flower soil on sale for $3.99, with $2.00 a bag rebate, and a hoe handle.
In the same parking lot, we went to Hobby Lobby, where I settled on a piece of quilt backing. Not what I wanted. But in this town, there isn't much to choose from for fabric.
Aldi's was next. Bought a few groceries and scored 2 blackberry bushes that look much healthier than the one we previously purchased at Orschelns.
Now this is what I'm talking about. LaBamba! If you've read my blog much, you know this is my all time favorite Mexican restaurant. They know us, we know them. Besides how can you go wrong with a super taco plate, refried beans, rice, chips and salsa for $3.99?
This is what traffic looks like a lunch time in the capital city. If you enlarge this picture you can see the capitol dome in the upper left corner.
One more stop at the IGA store. Do you have IGA's in your area? Independent Grocer Association. I (we) picked up fresh made brats, cured bacon, a gallon of milk (after receiving a call from the DIL) and a box of Red Rose Tea bags.
Home by 1:30.
It was then time to plant the blackberries, fertilize the flower beds, make 7 tomato cages, dig up wild ferns and plant them in my antique oak planter.
After a dinner of cabbage soup, it's time to hit the recliner and watch survivor.
Hope my shopping trip didn't wear you out too much!
55 degrees.
I was going to tell you that I saw some good looking blackberry starts at Aldi today, but then read that you found them, too. They had raspberry, too. I resisted temptation today, but I may have to give into it tomorrow. :)
La Bamba! Sounds delicious and the price is right, I'm on my way! I should be able to make it there by dinner tomorrow night! : )
I loved this post! It sounds very familiar with the exception of the ponytail, CH has very little hair left at all. And the Mexican restaurant. We like Mi Tolteca but on your recommendation we will be giving LaBamba a try very soon and I will be trying chiles rellenos. Retirement, Life is Good!
hmmmm, blackberries. Thanks for the reminder to pick some up when I get my raspberries and strawberries. I lost my berry patch to a new garage, along with my missed clothes line. hmmmm, another thing to add to the Honey-Do list.
You have MUCH better shopping than here. We have to travel at the very 'least', an hour to get half of what you have. I would LOVE to have your choices.
La Bamba, now that would be a favorite hang-out for us. We both love Mexican food.
Have a great weekend.
I'm going to Aldi's! Hope you didn't buy them all.
Strangely, I've never been to LaBamba. I wonder why that is.
I like it that they are restoring areas like Old Munichburg and the area around the prison.
Gotta go. Aldi's is calling me!
OMW! I'm tired just reading about all your stops!!! I want to know what your secret is to get hubby to go with you to Joann's AND Hobby Lobby all in one day???!!!
Wow! I'd never get Jackson to go all those places with me. He says I wear him to a frazzle. Hee Hee.
Funny, half way through your post I was thinking, I would be worn out completely with the shopping trip and than you went home and got busy again. Oh to be young again.
Sounds like you have a good day with your spouse
Patti, we were just talking about blackberry plants today with our neighbor. Wish we had an Aldi's store here, I've heard they are fantastic. Your day was full, but looks like it was a great one.
Whew! I need a break just from reading about all that shopping! It was so interesting to see your town while going along for the ride.
We have an IGA less than two miles from me. They are known for having the best meats in town.
Cute quilt you were working on!
Yep. You wore me out. Done by 1:30?? LaBamba!
oh, you leave me nostalgic... I can't wait to get back and see all that. I can see where I used to work in that last photo.. St Marys, just to the left. I see the red brick.. lol
LaBamba must be new ? Don't remember it..
I just bought a bunch of lilac bushes at aldi this week. Great price on those.
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