Later we went to TJ Maxx and I found both the dress shoes. I'm not sure which pair I will keep.
This is my dress, what is your opinion? Do I wear the beige or the black patent leather with the purple dress?
When we arrived at home, the answering machine was beeping. It was the UPS man wondering if he could make it up our long lane. He had a perishable over night package for us. I knew it had to be from Karen at This old house 2.

Several weeks ago if you posted her button from Roba Dolce you would receive a free package of their products.
After reading Karen's blog did you notice that her and I both live in timber frame homes? We both have a son and a daughter. We each have a rather large dog. I just wish I could take beautiful photos like her.
Did you know that Val of Life's Little Garden made butter after I told her how?
So Tuesday I won, Wednesday I won, I can hardly wait for tomorrow. Maybe I should go buy a lottery ticket!
I think the beige shoes would work well....the dress is lovely.
Patti, love your home! Love your header! Love Roba Dolce!
Your collage of Elizabeth makes me laugh. She had a great day at Grandma's!
It is -10 as I type this. Central MissouREE has lost its mind this winter.
Beige - the black will look too heavy. LOVE LOVE LOVE those boots!!!!
And I'm so glad you finally got the STUFF! Let us know what you think of it once you've had a chance to sample.
Oh, and I'm coveting that scarf, very pretty -
Forgot to mention the dress.. which is beautiful, the style is perfect and flattering and the color will look great with your hair color, great choice.
But definitely the beige shoes.
Love your neck scarf, love your home, love that quilt, love that you are left handed, Love the dress, love the shoes (I vote for the beige shoes), love the kids pics, love your gifts, but most of all I LOVE that butter!!! Thanks for sharing it with us.
Love the quilt...and the scarf..and yes you should go get a lottery ticket. Is the weather going to turn warm there this weekend? We are supposed to be in the 40's!!! I can't wait for all this snow to BE GONE!!
You will get no fashion advice from me...I do solids and no nothing..
Beige Mom, even I know that. Or silver or white not black.
Hi Patti, your quilt looks pretty. And I really love the dress you're going to wear...beautiful! It would be hard to decide on the shoes, but I think I'd choose the black. They look really sleek and dressy to me. Take care!
Wear the boots!
Actually I think the beige shoes would look very nice with your beautiful dress.
Elizabeth is becoming quite the queen bee of your house. Precious.
You are one lucky lady in the winning department these days. Buy a lottery ticket for me!
I'd wear red shoes but that's just the way I fly! :o)
You quilt is lookin' good. Did ya know I'm a lefty too???
Your little Elizabeth just melts my heart every time I see a pic. She's just picture precious!
I had to drive on uncleared roads last Monday...in my car. Hubs took the four wheel drive to work. I lost a crown last Thurs. and just couldn't push it any farther. It was NOT a nice drive!!! I wanted to kiss the carport when I arrived home but feared my lips would stick! :o)
God bless ya and have a beautiful day!!! Warm up's on the way!
Love your dress! It'll be gorgeous with beige shoes. :)
Will you please share your winning?:) Just kidding!
The quilt looks gorgeous---you go girl, I cannot get that thimble rocking motion technique down.
I think that is amazing that you have hand quilted your quilt. I love the look of hand quilting so much better than machine. I am getting ready to hand quilt a wall hanging just to see if I can still do it. Used to about 30 years ago, but my fingers are no longer straight.
The purple dress is beautiful, I was going to say the black shoes but I see the model has on beige. So what do I know about fashion anyway at my age. I live in jeans don't know if I own a dress.
Katie ^ above and I are in agreement about the BLACK. That goes to show ya . . . . . Katie and I would stick out in a fashionable crowd.
Wednesday was a Snow Day at our house.
Today the streets were dry and the snow piled high along The Blvd.
Beige shoes so the eye flows smoothly down. They will blend in with your skin and not cause the eye to stop with a jolt like the black would. Your legs will look longer, too. I really love the dress. You will be a knockout in it! Will you be wearing your hair in an updo?
Cool boots, too.
OMG on the ice cream. I wish I had signed up for that.
I vote for the beige shoes and I think you'll look amazing in that dress! And those boots..you are too cool for school. I hope we'll get to see them on.
Aahh, I see the butter recipe now..I guess I was too busy thinking about popcorn. : )
That quilt looks like it is beautiful I cant wait to see it all. I love the frame you use I know I will never own one. Love the boots and shoes you got, Im not good with style but I would wear the black shoes :o)
Totally loving that dress and I say go beige with the shoes. You will look smashing!
Patti, that dress is absolutely beautiful. Wear the beige, unless you have sparkly like gold or silver!
The quilt is looking lovely! I have hand quilted but don't think I could do another quilt by hand. Hands hurt!
And down here in Tucson the car thermometer today read 80. You know what? I'm complaining! Too hot and the sun is too bright! I guess I'm never satisfied!
It was so good of you to blog about the scarf. You have a big heart!! And as you can see, everyone agrees you deserve the great 'winning' week you've had. Have a great next week too!
Love the dress, Patti! Where did you find it? I need to look for one for Heather's wedding, but I've got a bit of time yet.
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