But this year we spiced it up just a bit. He bought these for us after church from the grandson. His youth group was selling them to raise money for the Samaritan Center.
I had really spiced his gift up. I purchased these gum boots (out of necessarity due to the recents snows). I had them hid in the back seat of my car. He took my car Saturday for a short trip and saw them. He comes into the house and said "did you buy some boots for me?" Little did he know his candy was hid in the toe of them.
Hope you all have a happy Valentine Day!
Gum boots??.. now THAT'S love <3
Love the krispy treats and toe candy. How funny. Love those burnt peanuts too. Hint, hint! Have a fun-lovin' day.
My hubby got some new gum boots to keep dry in this snow, too. Hope he doesn't have to use them too much longer!
He asked me if I would like to have flowers or go out to eat for Valentine's. Loving to eat something I didn't cook won out. He's on-call this week, so it will probably be fast-food, tho. :D
Have a great day and Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours!
Happy Valentines Day! No flowers here either, but we exchanged chocolates. I am seriously ok with that. Love the gum boots - my kind of gift! -Tammy p.s. My "kissing" rooster sends his regards - the little devil :p
Well, did old 'sweet toes' like his boots!!! That's the way many of my 'surprises' turn out!
God bless and have a marvelous Valentine's Day sweetie!!!
Love the boots with candy in the toe! I gave hubby some store bought cookies.....I'm doing gluten free and wasn't about to bake cookies! He bought sun hats for the both of us today because it was so hot in the sun as we hiked in the desert, so I guess that's my gift!
Too funny about the gum boots. Good thing he didn't try wearing them.
Valentines Day is one of those holidays we don't tend to celebrate. We both worked today and that's about it.
I love this!! So cute! This is just like something that we would do. Sweet Hunter gave me a card and I showed him a Andy Griffith video that made us laugh and I also made him (or us) a BIG chocolate cake!!!
Boots! Oh Yeah!! Your man knows you love him when you buy him gum boots and I am not being funny here!
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