Monday I worked on the last of the 6 quilt blocks I had gotten from Mom. I also had the grandson's for a couple of hours, including dinner.
Tuesday, the boys came early. We left for Fulton mid-morning and picked up the motor that was finally repaired. We stopped at the Concrete plant for the boys to watch huge cranes moving big concrete blocks. Back in Jefferson City we took time for lunch inside McDonald's. Two more stops and we would be home. Gma had to have thread.
Speaking of thread....another change has come to Coats and Clark. Not jus
t the price increase, but the spool has changed again. You know I'm an old dog when it comes to new tricks. However this one I like. The top of the spool pops up. Remember the old pink hair rollers called "spools"? That's what these are like. You can now pop the top and wrap the thread in there. It will sure keep your thread drawer clean. When pulling these spools out for the picture, I thought you'd get a kick out of the price increase. The little wooden ones cost .15 cents. The new pop a top one was $3.99 at Hobby Lobby, however I had a 25% off coupon.
Wednesday, today it has rained all day. When I emptied the rain gauge at dark, it measured 2 inches. Today I finished the last of the baby quilts for Mom. Hopefully I will get a picture posted of them when the sun comes out and I can hang them outside. The rest of the afternoon, I spent printing off my journal pages.
Dinner tonight was to have been a BBQ on the river bank with family and friends. Since the rain shut that one down, I made some sloppy joes and slaw. Colten's Dad came over and he and BT worked in the Blacksmith shop making some deer stand brackets.
Tomorrow I am going to treat myself to a pedicure. Unlike my blogger friend Zoey who treats herself to manicure. We are just the opposites. It then grocery shopping and I have to find some new slacks for our annual meeting at work on Friday.
74 degrees 9:50 PM
Hope you enjoyed your pedicure.
I never knew that new C&C thread popped up! I just went to my thread drawer and pulled one out to see what you meant....sure enough, the top pops up! Cool! It didn't seem like it was all that easy to pop up though. I used a seam ripper to pull it up.
The price increase from .15 is amazing!
Thanks for the tip!
The spool pop up is neat-but not the price. I'm glad you've had a good week. Wish you could send some of your rain down here. Deer brackets-I've been hearing the deer season is coming soon song too!
I like the spool pop up too but don't care for Coats and Clark. Too much lint for me! Blessings, marlene
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