Sarah made it home just before the 10 o'clock news came on. It was so gr
eat to see her beautiful smiling face in person. We talk every day. But seeing the real thing always makes a mother's heart feel good. This is what the sky looked like about 2 hours before she made it home. This was after a hard down pour.
BT and I were up Saturday in time to take the dog to the Vet for a spot on his chin. Doc says it looks benign, gave us some drops to put on it. Patted Bentley on the head and out the door we were.

At home after breakfast burritos, we packed up the boat. With snacks, beverages and towels loaded met Eric and Kathy at the river. Along with them was their son Colten who is just shy of 1 year. He took to the water like a duck.
We stay about 4 hours on the river. Here's a sunscreen every year, fresh and with a high sunscreen count. This is the before picture of Ms Sarah. You don't even want to see her in lobster colors.
Back home about 5, we cleaned the boat up first and then ourselves. The three of us headed to, where else, LaBamba. Eric and Kathy pulled in just as we did. We had our drinks before Jeremy, Lori and the boys came. There were Margarita's everywhere! BT almost told them it was Brady's birthday but feared Brady wouldn't like all the attention, the Mexican singers and having his nose pushed into whipped cream. So he ordered the sopapia with 2 spoons and let it go at that.
It was an enjoyable evening with the kids and of course Eric is my adopted son it seems like. Back at home, Sarah's long time friend Holly came and they headed out to socialize. We called it a night and hit the sack early.
1 comment:
So glad you had a great visit with Sarah.
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