Saturday, August 21, 2010


Just a quick update.
Lane has opened his eyes several times and he is eating.
Your prayers are working.
Don't quit now!
Thank you for all your prayers.


Rural Rambler said...

Wonderful news Patti! We will keep them coming, wouldn't think of quitting! He is a little fighter :) Thanks for the update too.

Barb said...

That is just wonderful....

Anonymous said...

yeah for lane! hope it keeps going well. prayers for a quick recovery!

Diana LaMarre said...

What great news, Patti. Thank you for the update.

Donna S. said...

Thank God!! Hope he continues to improve quickly.

Brandi said...

Wonderful news! That little sweetie has been on my mind... still praying. :)

Bernie said...

I do hope he continues to improve, keeping him in my prayers...Hugs

Unknown said...

Praise the Lord. Prayers will continue for Lane and family. Yes do keep us posted. Bless his little heart.

Judy Laquidara said...

Thanks for the update. Still praying!