Today on my way home from work, I did not stop at the mail box. I knew it was a legal holiday and there was no mail delivery
However when I got to the front door, I was proven wrong. There was mail delivery. . . seems the UPS man delivers on holidays.
I quickly cut the box open, anticipation was killing me. I had received packages before from the Bedillions and I knew they were one sweet deal!
Sara and Mark sent us a jar of their wonderful honey! You see I had made them a quilt for their new bundle of joy who is due in just 16 days. I so enjoyed making the little guy a
I can hardly wait for the morning light to come. I'm gonna toast a piece of sour dough bread, smear it with real butter and pour on the fresh honey. YUMMO!
Thanks Sara and Mark! I'm looking forward to the little guy's arrival and sending prayers that all goes well!
What a sweet surprise at the end of a long work day! Enjoy your toast this morning!
YUM! What a great gift. I hope you enjoyed your morning toast.
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