All appointments went great, blood pressure was down, thanks to losing 10 lbs. I did get a tetanus shot, first in many years. That is probably a good thing as I am always around rusty metal, living with the blacksmith.
After all the necessary appointments I had a cappuccino at McDonald's and I treated myself to a cheese croissant at BK Bakery. My next treat was hair color and a trim. I had just stepped in the door at the salon, when my cell phone rings. It was my DIL; Elizabeth had taken a fall. My son was also calling on the other line.

Poor little Elizabeth ended up with 4 stitches in her chin. The boys ages 9 and 6 have never had stitches or a broken bone. Leave it to the rowdy little girl to be first.
The rest of my day was pretty much uneventful!
Now for Thursday, here is Elizabeth fishing with a cane out the front window.
And from Wednesday, my shopping at the Lutheran Church resell it shop. This cute corduroy jacket was $3.50. I washed it and it will be my favorite I'm sure, it's so soft and warm.
This long sleeve shirt I purchased for only 50 CENTS!! I bought it for my Halloween costume but I think it will be added to my closet afterwards.
These blow up costumes were only a $1.00 but the blacksmith put the ixnay on them. So I donated them to Salvation Army on Friday.
This little Folger's puzzle was $2.00

Friday I went to Specialty Quilts and found the matching Moda prints to the camper panel I showed a few days ago. When the panels arrive I will be ready to sew! Oh does anyone have the On the Road pattern by MH designs I can borrow?
Elizabeth has become good friends with Bentley. I wonder what she is telling him here?
Finally I leave you with a picture of meat for the table. Fall turkey season is in full swing here in Missouri. Nice to know the blacksmith is still putting bacon on the table. The boys were excited when Grandpa shot it in the woods behind the house.
Friday I went to Specialty Quilts and found the matching Moda prints to the camper panel I showed a few days ago. When the panels arrive I will be ready to sew! Oh does anyone have the On the Road pattern by MH designs I can borrow?
Have a great weekend!!!
What a busy day...glad it was only a few stitches.
We raised turkeys one year and dressing them out is a pain. What fun pictures.
See the woman appointment was worth it with all those goodies you got in the mail and being able to splurge on yourself afterward!
Thanks for pointin' my mistake out...yep, we'd have a party and a half with 1500,00 wouldn't we???
Have a terrific weekend sweetie!!! :o)
Oh, poor Elizabeth! I hope she is feeling OK.
Turkey dinner--YUM! I am so hungry for one.
Glad to hear all of your tests came back good! I had them all last month (same results).
did you get red in your hair? I did it that one time and have not done it since. I really did like it, but it does not last very long...washes out within a few weeks in my hair.
Happy Elizabeth was hurt any worse than she was. I know it had to be plenty scary for you tho.
I have a Flogers puzzle like that but mine has never been opened.
Enjoy that turkey, I don't think I have ever eaten wild turkey.
Bet is is good tho.
Yea for taking care of yourself! And double yea for good results! Wish I could lose 10 lbs. Oh heck, who am I kidding, make that 30!
Poor Elizabeth. I'll bet she was a little trooper through it all.
I wish Jim would get a turkey, but he's not into hunting like he was when he was younger.
You have such a busy day - I hope you kicked back and enjoyed the evening.
Wow, such busy-ness in your neck of the woods! Glad to see Miss E is doing ok in spite of her fall. I love that corduroy jacket! And please gimme your secret for dropping the 10#'s.. I'm down to my last 6 or 8 (but would be totally happy with a few more lost). I'm stuck :/ -T
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