Here's a few things from this past weekend. Here in Mid-Missouri we are experiencing above normal temperatures. Today it was 76 degrees. That's about 20 above normal.
Here the blacksmith is cleaning up some fish and little Ms E is deep into conversation with him. As for the dog, he's just enjoying his inside time.
You know the boys are growing up when they are learning to drive the 4 wheeler.
It seems like only yesterday they were pushing their tricycles around.
It looks like you made the most of these beautiful days we've been having. Great pic of the blacksmith and little miss E. It scares me to let the grandkids take control of the 4 wheelers even though I know they are old enough.
We are heading for Branson in time to get wet (if the weather forecasters can be believed...)
I hate motorcycles and 4 wheelers, hate them, hate, them. Scary things. When my son was an adult and got one I asked him how he would know how to ride it. He said, "Mom, I've been driving Dad's at the deer camp since I was able to climb on it - we just didn't tell you so you wouldn't be scared." I didn't know whether to laugh or cry! :) Children and grandchildren - the fastest growing things on this earth. Treasure the time. blessings, marlene
How fun to have grandkids to share life with.
Love the pic of Grandpa looking down from his task to talk to Miss E standing on the cooler. It reminds me of a Norman Rockwell scene.
Terrific granddad and Miss E photo!...
It looks like you made the most of these beautiful days we've been having. Great pic of the blacksmith and little miss E. It scares me to let the grandkids take control of the 4 wheelers even though I know they are old enough.
We are heading for Branson in time to get wet (if the weather forecasters can be believed...)
I love the photo of Grandpa and Miss E! They do grow up so fast don't they? I like this weather but I'm ready for some cooler November-like weather!
Ms E is really growing like a weed! I love these temps but it better be cold come Saturday!
Thank you for the prayers for my dad.
I hate motorcycles and 4 wheelers, hate them, hate, them. Scary things. When my son was an adult and got one I asked him how he would know how to ride it. He said, "Mom, I've been driving Dad's at the deer camp since I was able to climb on it - we just didn't tell you so you wouldn't be scared." I didn't know whether to laugh or cry! :) Children and grandchildren - the fastest growing things on this earth. Treasure the time. blessings, marlene
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