Sunday, January 30, 2011

Is it a Nor'easter or a Nor'wester?????????

There are storm warnings everywhere. It's coming, it's coming. The first news releases were reporting 6 to 8 inches. Then it jumped 9 to 12. Now it's up to 12 to 18 inches. Holy cow, if we get that much, the kids around here will be going to school until July 4th. None of that wimpy getting out end of May stuff.

This is what it looked like at dusk today.

So I have a game plan . . . .

This fabric needs to be turned into 2 book covers, gifts for the flower girls in the wedding in March. The covers hold crayons and pencils, as well as a notebook to sketch in.

I have to finish two ring bearer's pillows. One is partially beaded. The boxed one is for me to copy.

I still have some left to do on the quilt. But it is getting considerably less.

Our pantry is still somewhat stocked, and the freezer is full. I have coffee, milk, eggs, and bread, along with flour and yeast. The blacksmith has a tank full of gas for the tractor to blade a path out for us. The propane tanks are full, the pile of wood is covered, and water has been drawn.

And so after all those chores, we sat down for a nice country meal. Can you guess our meat?

Now let me show you what's for dinner tomorrow night. (with or without electricity, thank goodness for a propane camp stove.)

You finely dice pork tenderloin.

Mix a lot of spices, a little pineapple, onions, and cilantro.

Marinate over night.
Here's the recipe for it! Tacos Al Pastor.

1 pound pork tenderloin, cut into 1/2-inch cubes
1 (8-oz.) can pineapple tidbits in juice, drained
1 medium onion, chopped
1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro
1 tablespoon Mexican-style chili powder
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon dried oregano
1 teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon chopped garlic
3/4 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon canola oil
6 (8-inch) soft taco-size corn or flour tortillas, warmed
Toppings: chopped radishes, fresh cilantro leaves, crumbled queso fresco, chopped onions, chopped jalapeño

1. Combine pork and next 9 ingredients in a large zip-top plastic freezer bag. Seal and chill 4 to 24 hours.

2. Cook pork mixture in hot oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat, stirring often, 10 minutes or until pork is done. Serve mixture with warm tortillas and desired toppings.
Hope I can visit with you all over the next few days. Now if I just had a generator . . . .

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

What to do inside when it's really cold outside!

What to do when it's cold outside. . .

Here I am in the early 50's. Yes I really am that old. I am playing in my toy kitchen. I still have that stove if you want to come and play with me.

Fast forward to yesterday and Elizabeth is playing with my kitchen. This is the cabinet my Daddy made for me one year at Christmas. I saw him building it. He told me it was for his tools. Christmas morning when I saw it under the tree, I said "look, Santa put my dishes on Daddy's tool cabinet.
On another note, this marks half way on the hand quilting I am doing. Never thought I'd get this far without giving up. It's going good. So good, that I might hand quilt another one after this.

Here are some of the details close up.

We have been using this as a night stand for years. My Grandpa Saucier made it out of old spools, probably from a local shoe factory. It has a warped pine top.

Yesterday the Blacksmith (who is bored staying inside in the cold) put 2 coats of finish on this one for me.

This is what it looked like when I purchased it at an auction last summer.
So what are you doing in all this cold?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I won!

I recently won a give away from Our SaltBox Home.

Wow Sarah, how impressive, I got more than just the laundry soap. I am tickled that the laundry soap is for the new HE washer, which I have.

The blacksmith and I had to laugh at the all purpose cleaner. It cleans everything from false teeth to diesel engines. The caution on the back says:"Do not spray directly on cockroaches, fire ants, fleas, ticks, termites, spiders, scorpions, wasps, or hornets. In case of accidental exposure, rinse unlucky creatures with potable water for fifteen minutes and contact your local Humane Society or qualified insect veterinarian for further instructions".

Can't you just hear the person at the other end of the phone if I would call with that problem? LOL

I just wish I hadn't done all the laundry yesterday. :(

Thanks Sarah for hosting a great giveaway.

So go check out Charlies Soap!!!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Lunch yesterday

To read the rest of the story visit Osage Bluff Blacksmith
Oh and maybe you could become a follower there too.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Finally the Sisterhood Bridal shower.

The shower finally got started, just a short 24 hour delay due to the Mid-Missouri snow storm that dumped about 8 to 10 inches of snow.

Drinks were first on the agenda. Grace made the best spiced cider drink. It had cream, brown sugar, cinnamon sticks, and of course apple cider in it. you heat it up, and then in each individual cup add whipped cream and a shot of apple schnapps. Delicious!

The bar area was very popular. The food was good too, honey glazed chicken nuggets, sweet chili meatballs, garden salad, homemade hot rolls, sausage stuffed mushrooms, and cupcakes iced in the brides colors of purple and green.

Here we are, mother and daughter wearing each others dresses. I had to really suck up to get into her dress. My wedding dress she is wearing was made by me, and cost a whopping $36.16 for the fabric. That's a looooong way from what they cost now!

Here Sarah is with her other mother Diane, my bff. (More on that later). Notice both mothers are in the same dress color. We both had the same wrapping paper on our gifts too, quit by accident.

Lizzie really got into helping her aunt Sarah open gifts. She was just making up for what she missed by being sick at Christmas. In fact, Lizzie is wearing her Christmas dress for the first time.

Sarah and her cousin Melissa. These girls went all through school together, they are just 3 months apart in age.

For neighbor Kathy, this was her first time at a Sisterhood party. Let me tell you she did an excellent job (thanks to her mother's attic) choosing her outfit.

In side her late Grandmother Meller's purse she even found a piece of gum left behind for the new purse owner.

Check out Grandma's vintage shoes too. Unbelievable that are a perfect fit!
I am so glad everyone came out on a very cold night. Thanks Sisters! It was a fun time regardless of the weather.

Finally this gift brought me to tears. It's from my BFF. A sisterhood gift.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Snow day

This is what Mid-Missouri looked like when we woke up this morning. Actually it was coming down pretty heavy when we went to bed at Midnight.

The blacksmith then got out the big guns. This 6 to 8 inch snow was too much for a shovel.
Shortly after noon Sarah and I made it into town for some wedding shopping.

This is High Street in downtown Jefferson City.
Tonight was to be a Sisterhood bridal shower here for Sarah. It has been postponed until Friday evening. So stay tuned for more of the Sisterhood!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

I won!

It's always so much fun to win a giveaway from another blogger. I know two Sarah's, both who are bloggers. My Sarah has her blog titled Sleepy Little Husky. The other Sarah has a blog titled Our SaltBox home.

The two Sarah's met a long time ago when Sarah T's Dad worked with Sarah G's Mother.

Here they are playing together at the age of about 2.
I didn't win off of Sarah T's blog . . . she wasn't giving anything away. She is too busy planning a wedding to be blogging.
I won from Sarah G . . . who is now married and has time to blog.
And for the rest of the story . . . I now work with Sarah G's mom.
Small world sometimes.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snow Day

No school today, 6 inches of snow keeps the school bus from running.

So the grand kids came to spend a day with Grandma and Grandpa.

I played with Lizzie and even made her a pony tail. I swear she's going to be a quilter. I got up from the quilt frame and went into the kitchen. When I came back she was standing in my chair. Okay well maybe she will be a climber instead of a quilter.

The best part of snow day is "Child Labor". Did I really just say that?

However Grandpa did reward them with some of Grandma's homemade cocoa with

Tonight it's 9 degrees with a wind chill of -20. It's suppose to be even colder tomorrow night. Keep warm everyone!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Mom always told me . . .

. . .it was better to give than to receive.

Today we took a little trip to Hope Missouri.

Our friend Joe is a little under the weather.

The blacksmith cut some wood yesterday. Today we got up early and he and I split it. We borrowed the son's pickup and loaded it up. Off we went to Joe and Phyllis's house. You see they were in need of wood for their outdoor furnace.

They were so tickled that we thought about them.

It gave us a warm fuzzy feeling to know that we made their day.

I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive. Acts 20:35

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

My New Years resolutions . . . NOT

I don't make resolutions.
I can't keep resolutions.
I'm not good with will power.
I'm not good at keeping secrets.
But I do know what I'd like to accomplish.

I started my version of a Dear Jane quilt a couple of years ago.
I'd like to finish it this year.

I started this cute paper piece project of the season last year.
Both of these projects I'd like to finish in 2011.
But you know If I don't there will always be another year.
This week I've been marking a quilt top.
Tonight I finally got it in the frame.
All it took was a little help from my mother in law,
via the web cam
on exactly how to put it in the frame.
So for the time being the Dear Jane quilt
the season quilt blocks are just gonna have to wait.
I've got a lot of hand quilting to do.

If any of you quilters want to join me . . . come on over.
I've already had an offer from My Loves, my life.
I will supply thread, needle, and coffee with dessert!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Last day of school vacation

Blacksmith Grandpa always thinks of fun stuff for the boys!
Check out their fun today, their last day of Christmas break.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

It's finished!

I finally finished a repair job for my neighbor. She had given me a much loved quilt to repair. It seems her husband's grandmother had made it for him close to 40 years ago.

It's always good to see a much loved quilt used and not just a wall hanger. Quite a few blocks had some well worn signs of good use. I dug in my vintage box and found several pieces of fabric. This included two pieces from my great grandfather's general store in Stanton, Missouri. Remember when fabric was only 36 inches wide?

I carefully untied the tacking thread, and removed it. I replaced the worn blocks and then re-tacked it using the same thread.

It looks as good as new. So Connie (she reads my blog) you can come and pick it up. Call me at BR-549.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


2010 ended on a good note.

Shopping on the last day of the year saved me $114.03 with only 3 coupons.
I bought a sweater, undies, 4 wine glasses, 3 pairs of socks and 6 dinner glasses at Kohl's.
I walked out after paying only $11.93.
Thanks to Kohl's cash and a 40% off coupon.

So on to Penney's with a $10 coupon.
There I found two tops for me and walked out after paying $5.36.

I ended the evening babysitting for baby Lane.
He was injured at his daycare provider in August.
Family and friends had a dinner/auction/dance fund raiser for the family.
He is such a sweetie.

Now on to 2011. I hope all my family, friends and my many blogger friends have a Happy, Healthy, Prosperous 2011!
