After dinner we took Rusty a carry out of BBQ smoked chicken and got a tour of his station, KOCO. When we got to their house, Josie their Siberian Husky was ready to get out of her kennel and go outside. We watch the local weather of course and then Rusty joined us at home about 10:45 when he was off work. We visited to almost 1:00 AM.
Saturday morning after breakfast, BT, Sarah and I left for Groom Texas to visit with BT's Mom and step Dad, Cornie. We arrived at 2:00 and could smell fresh baked bread outside. Sarah was hoping for homemade peach pie. As we walked through the kitchen she saw pie covered up and sure enough Grandma told her that's what she had made. This is the view from her kitchen window. It the tallest cross, called Cross Ministries.
We had a mid-afternoon snack of banana bread and visited until church time at 5:30. We then drove the 4 blocks to church.
Back home, Sarah and I helped Grandma with dinner. Roast beef, the best mashed potatoes (loaded with sour cream, butter and cream cheese), green beans and frozen Missouri corn. Just as we were preparing to set the table, the door bell rang. It was Cornie's niece Ruth and her friend Allan. Believe it or not, they live just about 10 miles from us and we have known Ruth for years.
So we added 2 more places at the dinner table. Grandma was worried about not having enough food, but there was plenty.
After dinner the guys retreated to the living room and the girls went to the computer and shared pictures. Sarah even got to show Grandma pictures of her house in OK city. Once again we stayed up till 1:00 AM.
Sunday morning BT helped in the kitchen. He took over frying doughnuts while I fried bacon. BT did scrambled eggs while Grandma peeled cantaloupe. It was a great breakfast. When we left about noon, Sarah got to take home the leftover Banana bread for her and Rusty.
When we got back to Oklahoma City Rusty had been cutting grass. BT showed him what to do to trim their tree. Sarah and I took a trip to the grocery store to buy dinner. Grilled brats and salad would be our menu.
After dinner we all retired to the living room. I guess we bored Josie, or so it looked that way. This time we went to bed way before 1:00 AM. It was more like 11 PM. Rusty had to be at work by 3 in the morning. With Gustav coming in, he had his work cut out.
We left Monday morning before Sarah got off for work. Coffee a
After a tank of gas and a sandwich at Subway, we were back on the road. One more stop at Home Depot in Osage Beach. We made it home before 5. Bentley was so glad to see us. He had moped I guess the whole time. He hardly ate any of the food Fred fed him. All he wanted all evening was for us to pet him.
Unpacking, dinner, reading newspapers, checking email, and recliner time filled out the rest of the evening.
9:43 83 degrees.
Thank You so much for stopping by my blog and for your wonderful comment. I am new to blog land and so far there has not been to many visitors, so I am pretty excited that you found me. I have been a folk artist for about 15 years and have sold many pieces here in Ontario Canada. My thoughts for the near future is to be able to ship pieces for customers where ever they live. Possibly an online shop from my blog is what I have in mind, I just need to figure out how it is done.
I will be back to read your blog....BTW your quilt work is awesome.
Many Thanks
Sounds like you had some fun and did some good eating too.
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