I took the grandsons to Jefferson City Park and Recreation Department's 2nd annual Wild West Day. They were thrilled just to ride the Charter bus from the park lot to the festival. Then we got to ride a golf cart to the gate. They didn't know it would get better.
We saw Professor Farquar's Old Time Medicine Show. Notice his assistant playing a Buffalo jaw bone. He also did magic and made a green piece of silk disappear. The boys were mesmerized by that. We saw sack races but did not take part in them.
Our ride on the stage coach sure wasn't a smooth one. Next Alex threw rattlesnakes onto the cactus to win wooden nickel tokens. They could cash them in for prizes. They went through the straw maze many times, since that was a sure token made easily.

Brady and Alex shoot for more tokens. They then made Alex a neck scarf. It was a joint effort since Brady didn't want to make his own.

Picture time during a rest. Later we ran into the neighbors at lunch time. The boys chose corn dogs. Little did they know that they would be foot long hot dogs. Of which they ate every bite. A lot of walking made then hungry.
What a fun day for the children...and for you! I didn't know JC had a Wild West Day - I should try to be there next year so I could go. I'd love to ride a stage coach. blessings, marlene
Looks like you guys had a fun day.
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