Yes, the daughter made it home for Thanksgiving weekend. Poor girl was a little late and a few dollars short after she experienced car trouble in Joplin, Missouri. Luckily she found a great shop. She and the car limped to the Goodyear Mechanic. She had her iphone with her while waiting for the repair. Luckily she googled the business and found a $10 off coupon.
She told the guy when he rang up the bill that she had a coupon but it was on her phone. He was nice enough to let her use it.
Saturday, we got to do the mother/daughter shopping trip. After all it is her birthday week!

First we stopped at BK Bakery for some of their awesome pastries. Sarah had carrot cake and a latte, I had tiramisu with Colombian coffee.
Then, on to shopping Maurice's, Bath and Body works, TJ Maxx, Target, even a couple specialty shops.

Later in the day we went to see Mom. Here Mom is sporting a wheelchair. This is what happens after you break your little toe really bad ( 45 degree angle) and can't walk. Here's a great picture of Sarah and her Grandma C.
I just had to throw this picture in of the boys looking for Christmas toys!
What a great 4 day weekend we had with all the kids!
How exciting for the children to look through the papers for the toys. Wish we had small children to make a magical Christmas for.
I have heard of Linn Creek, but I think we were in almost the opposite direction. We went to the southeast, Just south of Cape Gir. We got the ticket in a little town called Gerald....I think. I was so mad. To me that is just money wasted. Why can't they chase criminals instead of tax payers out spending money and traveling. I have always hated it, but oh well, we were speeding. Hope he learns a lesson from this. I am always telling him to slow down through town and then he pokes along out on the highway and window farms.
I'm so glad she made it home-and you had a great time!!
Sounds like you had fun! I love your Santa pic!
It sounds like you had a great TG weekend.
Happy Bday Sarah!
This is my Bday week, too. Although I don't publicly celebrate--I prefer to go away for the weekend, sit in a jacuzzi and sulk. :)
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