Today he made some really nice hooks. He hung them behind our bedroom door to hang clothes on.
This is the new fire pot he put in.
I worked on this quilt all weekend. I will take some full shots after it is finished. I'm still sewing the binding on. It is a Noah Ark wall hanging that I added to and made a full size baby quilt. It is for BT's cousin, Diane. She is expecting a new grand baby in a week!
Finally BT washed both Jeep # 1 and Jeep #2. Thanks Dear!
81 degrees with storms forecasted.
I love your header picture! 80's, wow! It snowed here in Utah today!
Beautiful forged items!
Speaking of forging, we have this camp grill thing that goes over a camp fire that is missing one of the pegs. Can he make something like that if I could be a lot more specific? LOL Hard to find someone to make a replacement and dont want to toss it!
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