Now to answer a few lingering questions.
The colors are black and pink, with a touch of mint green thrown in. I'm sure it's my photography that needs tweaking. She wanted pink and brown, but all we could find were polka dots and strips, no little girl prints.
Let's see, Sara you asked me a couple of days ago on a post why we get up at 7:31. That way we can always say we slept until after 7:30!
Thanks for the compliments on the blacksmiths items. We especially like the knocker ones!
Tonight we are getting a nice slow soaker rain. It is much needed in the area. The spring flowers and budding trees will love it.

10 PM 48 rainy degrees
I knew it! That is a perfectly good reason for getting up at 7:31. (It's kind of the same reasoning I have for setting my clock 10 minutes early so I can sleep for 10 more minutes if I want to?)
And I should've looked closer at your photo: very pretty with black & pink! And the sparkly! You're so talented!
It was 75 degrees here yesterday! Go Spring!
Hi neighbor, I have been following your blog. You lead such an interesting life. Much more than mine. Loved everything you made for the new grandchild. I can't wait to get my hands on a granddaughter. Hopefully Tim and Amy will come through for me. I'm tired of playing cars LOL Connie/funcal
Hello! I found your blog and thought I would say hello! I am from JC, MO, not tooooo far from you. My blog is private but if you want to say hi, you can email me at
Have fun at the blacksmith meeting..I'll listen for the honk. I LOVE everything you have made for the little and pink is very cute!
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