And now they are a family of 5!
BT and I arrived at the hospital about 4:30. Great Grandma beat me there. Oh those 85 year olds!
New Mother Lori was doing wonderful. She was ready for dinner. Poor girl, they brought her tray and it was shrimp. She hates shrimp. New Daddy went to the cafeteria and brought her back chicken strips, with mac and cheese. That made her feel much better.
We took the boys to LaBamba for dinner. They were more interested in getting a gum ball out of the machine for dessert than having a sopapilla. So that's what they got.
At home, after I returned phone calls and emails, I gave them both baths. New Daddy took Brady home and will put him on the bus in the morning. Alex is staying here. He and I will go visit the hospital since it's not a school day for him.
I'm so excited with a new healthy grandbaby. Hope I sleep tonight.
She's so beautiful! And looks just like her grandmother, don't you think? blessings, marlene
You have a very, very beautiful family. You probably already knew that. :)
Very exciting! And a pretty name for a pretty little girl.
Blessings to all!
Sopapillas with honey. Mmmmmmmmm.
Congratulations, Patti. I am so glad Lizzie is here and healthy.You got that room done just in time.
I bet the boys will have fun being big brothers.
She is a beauty. What a life she has ahead of her with those brothers. She will either be teased to death or treated like a princess -- I'm betting on the princess.
Tell your daughter she can send the boys to me here in OK anytime. I raised 2 boys and know what it can be like.
Yay Yay Yay!! She is so sweet-love the pics of the boys holding her just precious. 2 1/2 hours-now thats the way to have a baby :)
So glad they are both doing well!!
Congratulations!! She is beautiful! I bet she is going to be spoiled by those two older brothers.
I'm happy all went well.
Yea !!! I'm so happy for all of you.
Congratulations everyone! Beautiful name :), and perfect month, she missed my birthday by one day. I/We have been patiently waiting for this most joyous news and I have so enjoyed watching the count down. Never thought she would come this early. She is a beauty. Give her hugs from Iowa. On another note,I so enjoy your blog and I'm glad you take time for it. I noticed I've been reading it for nearly a year. Thank you!
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