make jelly a
bind a quilt a (almost done)
strip paint from 4 bar stools a
work on my paper piece quilt blocks (thought about it, never had enough time)
eat what I want, when I want a a a a a a a a
enjoy the covers with out playing tug of war a a a a a a a
had complete control of the TV clicker a
took a blogger friend to the movies a
went out to eat with the DIL and grand kids a
went to a purse party at the winery a
attend a co-workers wedding (sorry had too many tomatoes to can)
Plus I went antiquing, attended the 5 year old grandson's 1st soccer game, took them to breakfast at the new BK Bakery, went shopping with DIL and grand kids, worked 2 days at my paying job, mowed grass, canned 43 jars of tomato stuff, and finally I worked in a little TV time tonight.
By this time tomorrow night BT will be back and it will be like he never left. Gosh I missed that guy!
I'm signing off now, I just remember I bought a jug of Cosmo's and it's chilled now.