Colten got into eating cherries.
Our boat ride included seeing this! Wow that's not a cow! Where did he come from on the Osage River?
Here is Mr A. the movie that started at 8 was just too late for him.
Oh and notice his eye? That's what happenes when you get too close to the spin table that holds the grocery bags at Wal-Mart. Yikes! (It did get him and his brother free suckers from Wal-Mart.)
After dinner we played bingo with the boys. Alex won $19.25. The boys also played lots of kids games and went home with what they called good loot, including new hats.
The evening ended when I was told I won $50 cash in their raffle.
It's going to be a good week!
What a perfect weekend! Hey, it's a guard llama.. how cute with the calves, and what an unexpected critter to see along the river.
Wow, walmart sure gave grandson a shiner. I'm glad they at least got suckers! And you must be the luckiest person I know lately (not including your arm of course - hope you get healed up soon btw. was worried about you). Congrats on your winnings!! -Tammy
Looks like things are going great at your place-I'm glad!
Sounds like a great weekend. You must have suffered some burn, sorry to hear about that.
Two of the puppies were sold to families in Bonnets Mill, isn't that close too you or in Osage county? I wasn't sure. They went to very nice people who live on a cattle farm.
Hi So nice of you to stop by! Looks like you keep yourself busy with your grandchildren. I really think that's wonderful!:D I did'nt have that so much with my own mom as a grandma, but I plan on being there for my grandchildren too when the time comes.
Will be back to read more of your lovely blog, and find out more about your quilting.:D
Sunshine and Smiles
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