Yes ladies it was once again time for the Boy's and Girl's Club fund raiser. As last year, men showed us ladies their swimsuit styles, their talent and last their evening wear. (You had to use your imagination for some of the evening wear.)
As you can almost see in this picture, my friend Betsy is one of the emcees. Warren is the other one and he used to have a blog, but it's no longer active.
For the best pictures of the night please see what Betsy has on her blog. I'd "steal" her pictures and use them, but she's my friend. And friends don't steal from friends!
In this picture Ryan Imhoff and two other guys are mocking Justin Timberlake. The blond on the left in my beautician.
Some of the ladies at our table brought food and shared with us. Oh and that drink, that's my $6.00 Cosmo . . . yeah that's what I said too. Where's the cranberry juice?
It was a fun night, watching men strip to their speedos, some who were actually adding clothes over their swimsuit to cover up a pudgy body, and some even doing synchronized swimming in wading pools.
Can't wait until next year.
Good job Betsy!
What fun! And all for a good cause! -Tammy
My computer won't let me email this is the reply to the comment you left on my post.
I would LOVE to photograph your quilts...and even upload them onto a blog or whatever for you. Just let me know.
Starting Wed, I am a free woman from 9am-4pm. Just let me know and the camera and I will come hopping!
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